You For Eternity

Chapter 1105: One twin for a lifetime (84)

They don't know how to say, and they don't understand, it's a bit awkward to watch such a scene.

Not to mention that Qian Chuchu can actually talk to them, it seems... they seem to know each other.

After she had a few conversations with them, Moni sat down with the beauty named Monica.

Moni looked at Chu Chu with a basic standard Mandarin with only a little foreign accent and said with a smile: "This beauty is too polite, and she stood up to greet me."

This made other people who didn't understand it a little bit regretful. Did something wrong just now?

This Qian Chuchu actually made such an idea!

Chu Chu also sat down, Kong Weiwei leaned in and asked quietly, "Do you know him?"

"No, but I've seen it, it's not easy to provoke." Chu Chu lowered his eyebrows and gently returned her.

Now she understood why he would say they would meet again.

Moni's appearance is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence.

Director Zhang immediately introduced, "This is Master Moni. Master Moni, this is the Minister of our Information Department, Qian Chuchu."

"Minister should be in a very high position, right?" Moni didn't know if he really didn't know or not, he hesitated and said, "Minister Qian is younger than everyone here.

The other ministers all smiled and said, "Yes, yeah... Minister Qian is the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave, we old ones can't compare..."

No one knew that Master Moni's words were praise or derogation, so they dealt with it ambiguously, as long as they did not sin.

Moni picked up the wine glass to be respectful: "I heard that you have a custom called toast, then I will toast you, young beauty minister."

Chu Chu froze, and Chang Chang coughed: "Chu Chu?"

drink wine? Who wouldn't like it.

Although she is not a thousand cups without being drunk, but the amount of alcohol is not bad.

So Chu Chu poured herself a cup, stood up and bowed to the past: "No, let me offer Master Moni a cup."

Two people sitting on the opposite side of the round table, both stood up and couldn't touch the cup. Chu Chu was originally pushing the cup in mid-air. It didn't matter what I meant, but who knew that Moni pushed away Monica who was lying on him. Deliberately make a big circle and walk to Chu Chu's side.

Chu Chu was also taken aback by his behavior.

Especially that blonde beauty is also true.

Chu Chu thought that the beauty named Monica might know what position she is in Moni, but she would still be unhappy if she was left out in the cold.

Moni was very tall, and he couldn't escape the words "clothed beast" in Chu Chu's eyes when he put on the clothes. Thinking of the disgusting thing that he was forced to do on Sun Island that day, she still feels nauseous.

One of Moni's hand suddenly bypassed the hand of Chu Chu's cup, with a dangerous and fatal light in his eyes: "Isn't the toast like this?"

"...Master Moni, this is called a cup of wine, only for couples. The person who taught you seems to be a foreigner." After Chu Chu finished speaking, he wanted to retract his hand, but he held it firmly. .

She was surprised and met his gaze: "You..."

"Just drink like this," Moni's gaze was firm, and his words were more like commands. He leaned forward slightly and whispered very close to her, "Otherwise I don't know what I will do."

Chu Chu's body became stiff, and she always felt this breath blow into her ears, making her cold.

Why does this person... make her so scared?

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