You For Eternity

Chapter 1121: One double for a lifetime (100)

Moni's actions were too sudden, and when Chu Chu realized what he was going to do, the gunshots rang.

Chu Chu breathed a sigh of relief when the man was taken away.

It was just a shot in the thigh. As long as it didn't hit the femoral artery and received treatment in time, he wouldn't die.

Chu Chu retracted his gaze from the door and fell on Moni.

He withdrew the barrel and put it on the table.

Really are……

She has nothing to say.

It happened so suddenly, he said that when he changed his face, he changed his face.

Moni at that moment was far different from the character of Moni framed in her heart.

Moni was about to turn around, Chu Chu moved away in an instant, pretending to be calm and authentic: "I'm leaving Master Moni first."

Someone opened the door for her. Before she went out, she heard a voice that made people wonder: "There will be a period later."


Will it happen indefinitely later, sir?

Monica was standing at the door, looking at her with an unhappy expression.

Chu Chu didn't have time to talk to her, took back her mobile phone, put on her coat and went out.

The one who drove her out was the one who brought her in, because the driver's brother was shot and the driver became him.

He hesitated for a long time, but still sighed: "Master Moni actually let you go."

She was inside for a short time, and many people had seen it when those people went in for disinfection. Master Moni was taking a bath and she was standing next to her, which meant that they hadn't done anything.

"Um...probably I am not a virgin|girl, you young master can't look down on it." Chu Chu scratched his hair and turned on the phone.

Tong Tong still couldn't get through, and God Bless also shut down.

I don't know what happened over there.

"Do you know Factory X? Can you send me there?"


Unable to get through to their phone, Chu Chu held her temple with one hand, thinking dazedly.

She still believes that even if it wasn't for Moni to move his hands and feet, then it must have nothing to do with him.

She was not that stupid yet, because she lost her mind when she saw these photos and she didn't think about anything.

Fortunately, why did Moni let a private investigator check his whereabouts?

This is not in line with common sense.

Although these photos of him and Yu Zhitong made her very concerned, she was not prepared to sentence him to death.

Seeing is not necessarily true. When he comes back, she will listen to his own explanation.


X factory.

"Brother Wei, what will this kid do?"

"Throw away, everyone closed their mouths for me! No one has seen him tonight!"

"Yes, Brother Wei."

Li Tianyou, covered in blood, was lying on the ground, dying.

The person called Wei Ge took the cloth handed over and wiped his hands. He took a sip and said, "You are so courageous, you dare to make trouble on Laozi's site!"

"Brother Wei, you said that the person this kid kept looking for was the girl before?"

Wei Ge slapped his head: "Shut your dog's mouth! What girl, no one has been here today!"

Li Tianyou on the ground moved a bit and opened his mouth: "Return Tongtong to me..."

He heard it, and Tong Tong was taken away by them...

Wei Ge kicked over: "You haven't died yet!"

"What should we do, Brother Wei, can't we stay case you let him go out and bring the police back..."

"Be clean and don't leave clues."

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