You For Eternity

Chapter 1131: One double for a lifetime (110)

First, because of excitement, she was arrested in such a place, she was already very scared, and suddenly heard a familiar voice, and the sorrow and sorrow in her heart rose.

The second is that Li Tianyou, who was in front of him, was completely covered in blood and was horrified.

"You...what's wrong with you? Why are all blood..."

Wherever she touched, she could be covered with blood from one hand, she could feel it, the blood was still flowing!

Tong Tong didn't have time to check his wound, and was hugged tightly by him.

The person was resting on her shoulders, and his voice trembled slightly, very softly: "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry Tongtong...I shouldn't be angry with you...I just made a big fuss..."

Once a person has experienced this kind of separation, what are the little slaps in the past?

A comparison will reveal that those are not worth mentioning.

Whether it was Gu Tong or Li Tianyou, before seeing each other, they had to reflect for a long time, "It would be fine if..." sentence patterns such as "It would be fine if..." appeared in their hearts constantly.

Gu Tong was stiff, no, it was not wrong for him to be angry. It was her who was wrong. She didn't make it clear to her mother. She considered her mother's feelings, but didn't think about how God would feel if he knew about it.

"I am sorry……"

"Stop talking about this! You should go to the hospital right away—"

As Gu Tong said, feeling the breathing sound that was almost invisible in his ears, he was stunned, "God?"

She felt something was wrong.

The weight on her shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, "God!"

Chu Chu and the others hurried to help and found that Li Tianyou had passed out in a coma.


In the car.

Because of her help, Nianxin also made herself covered in blood. The two of them took wet tissues and temporarily wiped off the blood on their hands. As for the clothes, they had to go home and talk about it.

Anyway, Chu Chu breathed a sigh of relief.


Although it is too late to ask more, but looking at Tong Tong's appearance, the situation is much better than God's blessing.

"Second Master Bai...Thank you very much," Chu Chu said, "I don't know how to pay this favor..."

Li Hengzhi is not there, if there is no Second Master Bai today, she really doesn't know what to do!

If there is no one on the road like Wei Ge Long Ge, if there is no one who can live in it, he will not be able to bring him back to Tong Tong today!

Fortunately, Erye Bai had something to delay, and he hadn't put the matter of leaving Haicheng on the agenda, otherwise the matter would be serious.

"No need." Bai Yujing still said coldly.

"Then how..."

Nianxin grabbed her hand and shook her head and said, "Since Xiaobai said that it is not necessary, it is not necessary. You don't need to take this matter into your heart."


That’s right. Although Chu Chu also thinks it’s a trivial matter to Erye Bai, it’s a big deal to them anyway. He doesn’t care about it, but they can’t take it for granted. Didn't it happen?

"Stop it! You are also my sister-in-law! Your business is mine, and my business is Xiaobai's business! Right, Xiaobai?"

Bai Yujing didn't answer as usual, and was cold.


Uh, the logic seems right...

Seeing that he didn't answer, Nianxin patted the seat in front of him and kept asking: "Right Zhan Yan?"

The stupid Zhanyan laughed, and replied repeatedly: "Yes, Miss Nianxin."

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