You For Eternity

Chapter 1136: One double for a lifetime (115)

Nian Xin didn't care about Lan Ye behind him, and followed Bai Yujing into the hotel. After the revolving door, there is a warm scene inside.

When Nianxin was about to go out, Lan Ye suddenly clasped her arm.

His sudden pull caused Nianxin to retreat, and Bai Yujing was already holding Wei Young in the hotel.

Because of the sudden inertia, Nian Xin didn't pull her clothes properly, causing Bai Yujing's windbreaker, which didn't fit very well, to fall off her.

Lan Ye caught it with one hand and saw the blood stains on her body.

"what are you doing?"

The revolving door slowly turned around, and they had to follow the door to move around, Nian Xin watched the exit closed, and had to turn around again.

Nianxin frowned, took the clothes and put them on.

Fortunately, Lan Ye is strong, blocking her, and Wei Young can't see it either.

Lan Ye's actions were always inexplicable and made her unable to guess, so she didn't guess every time, saving her brain. I don't know what I want to do this time.

"What's the matter with you?" Lan Ye walked beside her, "Whose blood?"

Lan Ye is not stupid at all. Although he also has suspicions, the greater possibility is that the blood belongs to someone else.

If the blood came from her, Bai Yujing wouldn't have sent her back so casually, she should be in the hospital now.

"You do not know."

"Bai Yujing dragged you down again?"

"What does it mean again?"

The revolving door turned slowly, Nianxin stopped and looked up at him.

"Isn't it yet again? Last time, the last time you were almost killed by him! You followed him, in addition to danger or danger!"

He said the last time it should have been the explosion, but what did the last time refer to?

Nianxin didn’t ask, but said, “Young Master Lan, how do you think I’m safe? Am I with you? What’s the difference? Neither of you is cleaner than anyone else, and your hands are all covered. With blood, there is danger to anyone with me."

"..." Lan Ye was choked all of a sudden, "That's different. The second master Bai takes care of everything and is about to marry my sister soon. He will be busy. He won't have time to take care of you in the future, and I have time."

Hearing this, Nian Xin froze.


When she heard these two words recently, she was not in a good mood.

But she did not show it as much as possible, and pulled the corner of her mouth and said: "Sister Lan Fei is going to marry the Bai family, and the burden of the Lan family naturally falls on you. I'm sorry, you don't have time to care about me. ."

Lan Ye twitched his mouth and said, "I can discuss with my future father-in-law, four people will have a wedding together, which will save trouble. In this way, if you marry to my Lan family, I will do business and private affairs together, and there will be plenty of time."

He leaned to her ear and said that, and Nianxin immediately withdrew.

She doesn't want it!

She has been so miserable for the first half of her life, and she doesn't want to get married again.

In the hotel lobby, Bai Yujing and Weiyang watched them turn around the revolving door for a half and a half before they came out.

"Xiaobai, let's go around, too?" Wei Young shouted a few times, but Bai Yujing didn't answer him, so he leaned to his ear and shouted, "Xiaobai--Xiaobai Xiaobai Xiaobai--"

Bai Yujing finally returned to his senses, "Stop yelling, if you hear it, they will come out if you don't go."

When they were facing in, he could see their lips, so he could probably connect, what they were talking about.

No, he would never marry Nianxin to Lan Ye.

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