You For Eternity

Chapter 1144: One twin for a lifetime (113)

"...I may...cannot protect you forever."

As soon as Bai Yujing's words fell, Nianxin's hand holding chopsticks suddenly stiffened.

She slowly raised her head, staring at Xiao Bai on the opposite side for a moment, her eyes loosened: "What does it mean...maybe not?"

What did he mean by this? Why did she not understand anything, yet she still heard her suddenly terrified, as if her heart was cold?

Nianxin's reaction was great, but Bai Yujing seemed very natural. He shook his head and said, "The world is unpredictable. If you let this state continue, someday I will have any surprises. I am afraid that your position in the Bai family will be embarrassing. "

He is here, maybe she is arguing with her eldest brother or something, he can help her a little bit; he is dead, and grandpa will pass away one day, then who else in the Bai family will be by her side?

He was not afraid of death before, but now he prays day and night for God to give him more time, don't let the danger take him away so quickly.

As long as he thinks of Nianxin's feeling of helplessness and helplessness, his attachment to the world is unprecedentedly strong.

He is gone, what should Nianxin do?

When Nianxin put the chopsticks down, there was a loud "pop".

"No nonsense! What accidents are not unexpected..."

"Okay, don't say it." He followed her.

It's just that there are some things that won't happen if you don't say it?

They all know that life and death are destiny, and Nianxin also understands it, but they just don't want to think in that direction.

Xiao Bai is very powerful, and many people are afraid of him. He is so powerful, how could there be any accidents?

Nianxin thought this way, unwilling to think about the so-called "accidents" of any chance.

On the first night when they arrived on the Isle of Man, they didn't go anywhere. They ate and lay in the breezy yard.

The beach chair was big enough, Nianxin half-prone on his body, pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, watching the stars in the night sky.

"Xiao Bai... why did we suddenly come to the Isle of Man? Don't you need to do business?"

The strange thing is that they have been here for a long time. After dinner, he didn't mean to go out.

Could it be that when she was sleeping in the afternoon, he went out, but she didn't know?

"You don't have to think about it." Bai Yujing said.

Nian was suspicious in her heart, but since he said that, she shook her head seemingly understanding.

In the middle of the night, Nianxin wanted to call the people in Haicheng, at least to report safety or something, but after searching all over his luggage, he couldn't find his mobile phone.

She sat on the bed and thought about it, thinking about where she would drop the phone, but she didn't think about it.

She turned to look at the room, trying to make a call to her cell phone, but suddenly found that there was no fixed electricity in the room.

At this moment, Bai Yujing walked through the corridor outside, and Nianxin saw chasing him out: "Xiaobai! You can lend me your phone. I can't find my phone. I don't know where I left it..."

Bai Yujing turned her head and glanced at her: "If you can't find it, don't find it, it's too early."


"Go to bed and take you to a place tomorrow."




This holiday villa is very large, with countless bedrooms. Although Xiaobai admitted what he thought of her, he refused to share the house with her.

Thinking of the promise he had just made, Nianxin was still lying on the bed alone.

She turned over and thought, where would she take her to tomorrow?

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