You For Eternity

Chapter 1147: One double for a lifetime (126)

He smelled the smell of Nianxin in a muddled manner, and his nose was full of her body.

He closed his eyes, caught the man under him, kissed, loved...

He thought he had a dream, very real and very good.

In reality, he dare not really do anything to her, but if it is such a dream, why doesn't he accept it?

The reason is that he can only do something to her in his dream.

Although all the feelings were so real, he didn't want to wake up.

Isn't such a good dream gone when you wake up?

But he finally knew that this was not a dream, so he couldn't continue.

Bai Yujing's eyes sank, she didn't dare to look any more, he was full of guilt, and pulled up her yukata that had fallen on both sides, covering her body|body.

He stood up and left.

Nianxin was stunned in the face of this change, but quickly grasped his hand in response, "Why not continue?"

"Go back to your room." There was a cold feeling in his hoarse voice.

He thought she had fallen asleep, but he didn't think she would come over. After drinking some wine, I was a little confused and thought I was dreaming.

"Why?" Nianxin stood up, "You obviously have feelings, why should you lie to yourself?"

"I know, I didn't lie to myself, but we can't continue, you go back."

Now that this point is reached, how can Nianxin go back?

She didn't think so when she came, but they are all like this, how can they stop here?

She was anxious again, her voice was a little dumb: "I won't go back, we will sleep this day! I feel uncomfortable! I think--"

"Go back and take a bath!" He interrupted her rudely, "If it doesn't work, take a cold shower and cut off your thoughts! I won't touch you."

Even if he had her in his heart, he really couldn't do anything to conceal it, but this last step was absolutely absolute, and he couldn't go beyond it.

He waved his hand, and his mind fell on the sofa like a paper man.

Bai Yujing glanced back, as if she couldn't bear it, but she couldn't indulge it anymore | Desire| Hope that he has reached its peak, she will be in the same space with her!

He has limited control, and his mind is still the same as she was just now. If she is forced, he will not know what he will do.

Nianxin sat on the sofa for a few seconds, looked up, and shouted to his back like a tantrum: "I don't care! Bai Yujing, you bastard! You teased me! Why do you stop and stop!"

She was so anxious that she didn't care about the three-seven-one, stood up and ran to the bathroom.

Bai Yujing stood in the bathroom watching her run over, speeding up the door closing speed.

Nianxin screamed, causing his eyes to change.

He closed the door fast, and she didn't run too slow, with one hand on the door, his strength was not a joke, it directly gave her a torture-like pain.


He opened the door, Nianxin was already curled up on the ground with pain, with one hand clasping his compressed wrist, holding it hard, trying to relieve the pain.

Bai Yujing squatted down in a hurry, her fingers were already bent and unable to move.

"Pain..." Nianxin's eyes were full of tears, not because she wanted to cry, but because she was a conditioned reflex that the tears were directly pained when she closed it.

"Let me see," Bai Yujing frowned, distressed beyond renewal, "I didn't let you go back, why come here?"

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