You For Eternity

Chapter 1153: One double for a lifetime (132)

Listening to Chu Chu's words, Gu Tong did not expose her either.

God, Ye Yunshen's classmate, can he know?

If Chu Chu didn't say that, when he arrived at the hospital later, Ye Yunshen wouldn't have to go with them?

So she helped her and said, "Yeah, the one you don't know, Mr. Ye, is just a friend of mine. After we go shopping, we will stop by to see him."

Ye Yunshen didn't say suspicion, but said lightly: "One is east and the other is west, but it's not easy."

Gu Tonggan laughed: "Ha...I mean, we have to go to a spa nearby after shopping."

He did not speak.

Gu Tong and Chu Chu glanced at each other and didn't say anything.

I thought to myself, what do women say about needles in the bottom of the sea, men are?

Whether it’s Ye Yunshen, Li Hengzhi, or Bai Yujing, all of them are hidden masters. Nothing will be written on their faces. They want to guess their minds, unless they practice like them. Ability.

Ye Yun was silent, and they didn't know whether he believed it.

After several streets, Ye Yunshen didn't say anything, while Chu Chu and Gu Tong casually chatted about work in the car.

"Fortunately, you kept a hand and backed it up to the cloud, otherwise the decisive evidence of their transaction would be gone." Chu Chu said.

"I didn't expect it...just found a feature, so I prepared it for fun, who knew it would come in handy."

At that time, her camera had been destroyed by them. They never expected that when they caught her, she dropped her mobile phone on the ground. There was grass and it was hidden by the clutter of grass, and no one paid attention.

The video has been backed up in the cloud on the phone, and it was saved.

She didn't think so much at the time, and was shocked when they found out.

Knowing that they are not good stubborns, and that she has witnessed everything, she thought she was dead, and she didn't drop her phone for self-protection, but hoped that others would find out and let her not die in vain.

Ye Yunshen glanced in the rearview mirror and said, "It means that the drug manufacturing factory has been reported very badly in the past two days? Gu Tong is the editor who made the unannounced visit?"

"Yes!" Gu Tong nodded and replied, "Mr. Ye, you wouldn't report me, right?"

"of course not."

Anyone who still has a conscience will not do this.


Haicheng Hospital.

In fact, the road is not too far when driving, just a casual chat on the road.

Gu Tong thanked Ye Yun deeply, and got out of the car first.

When Chu Chu got out of the car, Ye Yunshen went down with him. Chu Chu sat on the left, so he opened the door on the left.

She got out of the car and took back her bag: "Thank you—"

Before the words fell, Ye Yunshen grabbed her arm.

Chu Chu's eyes moved from his hand to his face again, with a little doubt in his eyes.

She doesn't believe what he will do to her in the public, so what will his purpose be?

"Chu Chu, I said that you can't see through Li Hengzhi. His background is very complicated. If you stay by his side, you will only get hurt."

Chu Chu didn't know if he also knew what happened to Li Hengzhi, but he still didn't change his face: "Yun Shen, we are all grown-ups. I will be responsible for my choice."

"I can't bear to tell you the truth, you can leave him."

"the truth?"

"His identity, his secret, and the purpose of his business trip this time, there are many things about him that you don't know."

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