You For Eternity

Chapter 1172: One double for a lifetime (151)

The messenger said that Erye was not in danger for the time being.

But she didn't know whether the news was credible.

If there is no life-threatening danger, why doesn't Zhan Yan come back?

In this way, Nianxin sat on the ground all night, sometimes lying on her knees when she was tired, and couldn't sleep at all.

The sky is getting brighter.

Nianxin didn't know what time it was, and saw that someone knocked on the door of her room when it seemed to be bright outside the window.

"Miss Nianxin, it's me, Mother Wu."

The door was unlocked. After Wu Ma said hello, she opened the door and entered without hearing a response. When the door opened, it stopped at the door.

"Miss Nianxin! What are you doing sitting on the ground?" Mother Wu hurriedly stepped forward to help Nianxin up, "Master Bai sent me over, please come over."

"Dad is back?" Nianxin's eyes lit up instantly, "What about Xiaobai! Has Xiaobai returned?"

Mother Wu shook her head: "Second Master did not come back."

"How about Xiaobai?"

"I do not know about this."

Nianxin stopped asking, turned around and ran out.

"Oh, Miss Xin—you don't wear shoes!"


The White Hall.

"It's true, or you want to excuse her, you will know when she comes." Bai Yuming took a sip of hot tea and said calmly.

The person sitting below was Lan Ye.

After they returned to Jiangchuan, Lan Ye also returned to Jiangchuan non-stop.

He also came to the Bai's house yesterday, but after a closed door, the Bai's family refused to see guests.

Even though he wanted to go in and see what happened, he had no choice but to return home.

No matter how foolish it is, the Bai family can't force it.

Early the next morning, he found out that Bai Yujing had been admitted to the hospital with serious injuries. As soon as he thought about it, he was even more worried about the person who was confined at home.

Bai Yuming is a lunatic!

It’s so important that people who don’t know think he and Bai Yujing are enemies!

Even so for the little brother who has always loved him, what kind of punishment will Bai Nianxin, who has always been at the bottom of the Bai family, be punished?

"What the junior said is true," Lan Ye still looked very good in front of Bai Yuming, "I believe that Lord Bai also knows what personality I am, how can I allow myself to have green on my head?"

Bai Yuming did not answer.

At this time, the subordinate came in with something and handed it to Bai Yuming: "Master Bai, it turned out."

That DNA test report.

Although Bai Yuming had counted in his heart, he still held his breath when he opened it.

Although Xiaojing couldn't control his emotions, since he said that, he believed that he wouldn't be so foolish, and what really happened to Nianxin.

The DNA test showed that Bai Yujing and Wei Young were not in a father-daughter relationship.

With a sigh of relief.

If it is true, he also has a headache.

Lan Ye, who judged the result from Bai Yuming's expression, also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Bai Nianxin didn't lie, Wei Young is really not Bai Yujing's daughter.

Counting the two of them still has a bit of moral bottom line, otherwise...

Lan Ye thought about it and clenched his fist.

Lan Ye said: "Master Bai, I didn't lie, I said Wei Young is my daughter."

Nian Xin, who just ran into the hall, happened to hear this sentence and was startled.


How could Lan Ye be here.

After seeing Lan Ye, she slowed down and walked over step by step, her eyes falling on him with a bit of anger.

Did you come to see with your own eyes how she died?

Lan Ye sensed her unfriendly gaze, and forcibly resisted, walked towards her, followed her anger and hugged her: "My wife, don't be angry."

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