You For Eternity

Chapter 1174: One twin for a lifetime (153)

Or is Lan Ye threatening Wei Young with her?

Nianxin didn't dare to struggle too obviously. On the one hand, she didn't know what her father knew to be sure that she and Xiaobai were ambiguous. If she did too much, it would inevitably make her father more suspicious.

She glared at Lan Ye. The latter did not let go. He glared at her with a look more ruthless than her, but he said to Bai Yuming, "Master Bai, I must plead with you. Back then, I bullied Nianxin with Bai Xi. She became addicted, and only wanted her when she was eighteen years old. I was afraid that the white master would blame her, and she never dared to say it. Now that the incident has been revealed, the second master is tired, and I feel guilty."

Bai Yuming just said indifferently: "Just check things out."

He was not that stupid, he believed Lan Ye's remarks.

There are no objections to Nianxin and Xiaojing, he admits it himself, there is nothing to defend.

But sometimes, for the sake of justice, it is inevitable to pretend to be confused.

"No!" Nian Xin opened her eyes and shook her head, "Wei Young is not a child of any of them, Dad, back then, I was ——"

"You came here today to say this?" Bai Yuming obviously interrupted Nianxin's words.

"Of course not," Lan Ye said, "Master Bai remembered that I said that when I returned to Jiangchuan, I would come to Bai's family to propose marriage. I will come over and say something, and the betrothal will arrive later."

Nianxin looked at him with eyes wide open in disbelief.

Is he serious? !

Lan Ye was looking at her with firm eyes: "Bai Nianxin, I said, you and I will be married!-Lord Bai, please marry me with Nianxin, and I will love her and Wei Young."

"Lan Ye!"

At this moment, Lan Fei ran into Bai's house.

She greeted Bai Yuming and forcibly dragged Lan Ye outside the house.

"A Ye, are you crazy! You went to Bai's family to propose a marriage without discussing with me? What is the situation now, are you still coming to propose a marriage?!"

"Sister, this is my lifelong event. I just decide it. Besides, I didn't get mad with you long ago. I want to marry Bai Nianxin."

"Your mind is flooded?! It was before, now is now! She actually went to seduce|lead her uncle in vain! I should have discovered the clues between them! Our Lan family in Jiangchuan can be considered a good face , If you want to marry such a woman and go home, our parents' coffins can't be covered!!"

"Fuck... Sister, that's wrong, which eye do you see is Bai Yujing who Bai Nianxin seduce? You can't trust him unconditionally just because he is your fiance? I haven't said that he seduce|attracts Bai Nianxin! She is a silly girl who doesn't know anything. She hasn't been involved in the world. Can Bai Yujing just use a little trick to get her in, okay?"

"Anyway, I can't agree! If you marry her home, I won't have to face her every day in the future? You let me watch her and her brother-in-law every day?"

"Sister, are you confused? You married to the Bai family, and she married to our Lan family. You two won’t meet each other every New Year and holidays! It would be a bad thing if you leave her at the Bai family! They live in one Under the eaves, you can't stop doing something extravagant."

"You--" Lan Fei was so angry that her brother was speechless, "I don't agree!"

"You don't agree that I want to marry, or I won't be married for the rest of my life, you can figure it out."

In the living room.

Nianxin stood in the middle, silent.

She didn't know what her father was thinking, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense.

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