You For Eternity

Chapter 1181: One double for a lifetime (160)

The two looked at each other: "Okay."

"Okay, sit down."

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the Glory Group.

In order to get rid of the car behind, a little detour.

Chu Chu and Gu Tong sighed and asked, "Brother, were you driving a fighter jet before?"

After getting out of the car, Gu Tong asked her, "The target should be you? I don't seem to have any meaning in digging...Is it a paparazzi?"

"Probably not. The news that I can explode has already been exploded by them, and it is no longer exploding. Why do you follow me?"

"Could it be...that they also knew something serious and came here to talk to you, wanting to dig deeper?"

Chu Chu thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know... this is not the point now, let's talk about it."

There is another guess in her mind.


Although she didn't know what his purpose was if it were him.

She always feels that her abnormal thinking is better not to guess.

The president’s wife came to the company in person, and the lobby manager immediately greeted them to the VIP reception room with doglegs.

After a while, Yan Hai, who received the news, put aside the things in his hands and rushed over.

"Madam, why are you here? Just call me if you have anything to do."

"I won't be polite with you," Chu Chu went straight in, "Assistant Yan, where did your boss go?"

"Huh?" Yan Hai was stunned for a moment. "What do you mean by your wife's words? President Li went to Mexico. Didn't Li always report to his wife?"

"I heard he went to other places before he went to Mexico, do you know?"

"Ah...I know, I booked the tickets."

"Really," Chu Chu smiled slightly, and asked about other things first, "Then how many tickets have you booked?"

"Uh..." Yan Hai seemed to be observing Chu Chu's expression, considering whether to tell the truth, and then the more he looked at his smile, the more he felt a little embarrassed, and he said in his heart that the president is not strange, you are so high, the emperor is far away, here I am still Give in first!

"A lot...but the main one, madam, you know, there are three."

"Your BOSS, sister Josie, and..." Chu Chu narrowed his eyes.

Yan Hai guessed in his heart that his wife might already know something, and no longer concealed it, and smiled wittily: "Miss Yu's."

"OK, you help me contact him."

"Who?" Yan Hai's heart swelled, "President?"

"Otherwise I found here specially?"

"Madam...or...when the president comes back, you can ask yourself carefully? Maybe there is any misunderstanding...I can't explain it on the phone."

"You just call him! He won't answer my call!"

"Okay..." Yan Hai couldn't stop him, so he went to call.

He was wondering, how did his wife know?

This is the question of Laixing teacher.

Gu Tong approached Chu Chu's ear and asked, "Will you scare Assistant Yan? You killed him by surprise."

"If he didn't come over suddenly, wouldn't he be prepared? Only in this way can he be sure whether he really can't find it, or if he can't find it fake.

Chu Chu took his mobile phone and dialed it, and even if he went to the side, they were all staring.

Even if they colluded something, Yan Hai would definitely not be prepared for the call.

Never thought that the phone could not get through.

"Madam, Li may be busy, or, I will notify you when I get in touch?"

"No," said conspicuously, "then you call sister Josie."

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