You For Eternity

Chapter 1183: One double for a lifetime (162)

Jiang Chuan has no friends, how does she know who Niixin wants to marry?

On the way here, she called Lan Ye.

Lan Ye once called her to inquire about the whereabouts of Nianxin. By coincidence, she did not delete the call log and found it.

Lan Ye clearly knew the relationship between her and Li Hengzhi, and without any trace of fear, he boldly told her the truth.

Josie was silent for half a second: "...Thank you for your understanding, Mrs. I will tell you the truth."

"...That's it."

Chu Chu hesitated and hung up the phone.

Now that Josie has been contacted, she will pass it on if it is time to pass it.

"Let's go Tongtong."

Yan Hai picked up his mobile phone and caught up with it: "Ma'am, I'll send someone to take you back."

"No, let's go back by ourselves."

Chu Chu said, turning around: "Yan Hai, if there is anything to do with him, you must tell me."

Yan Hai was stunned for a moment, and then reacted after a while: "I know my wife."


"Just left? Didn't he all contact his secretary, if you insist, maybe he will answer the phone."

"No," Chu Chu said confidently, "If he wants to answer, he will answer the phone as soon as he knows it's me. Since Josie has not come to answer the phone for so long while holding the phone, there is only one Maybe, he really can't answer the phone."

As for the reason...

Hope it's not what she thinks.

Gu Tong hugged her: "Well, I hope your trust in him will not be disappointed, good girl!"

Chu Chu frowned slightly.

100% trust?

The appearance of Yu Zhitong really made her feel a sense of crisis.

The white moonlight of men means too much to them.

"Are you going to Jiangchuan tomorrow? Shall I go with you?"

"Farewell, you have just been promoted. Although Sister Lili hasn't left yet, it's close to the end of the month. You should take advantage of this time to do the handover with her."


Josie glanced at the phone, put it away, and went back to the room.

A dark shadow in the room asked: "Whose phone number?"

In the room where the light is not too bright, Josie looked in the direction of the bed.


"..." Sombra paused, "Sister-in-law? What's wrong with her?"

Josie leaned against the wall, staring at the front right, hugging her arms and said, "Of course she is worried about her husband disappearing for so many days. But I can't tell her that he is lying there now."

The black shadow's eyes darkened deeper: "It must be him. I can't wait any longer, I will go directly to him for the cure."

"May! You stop!" Josie stood up suddenly, "He won't allow you to take risks for him."

"Should I just let that person hurt my fourth brother and be indifferent?"

"Then you can't mess around. Fourth Master is not in danger for the time being, and...we don't have any evidence to prove that he did it. He will not necessarily admit it. Furthermore, if he admits it, he won't give you the cure. Otherwise, why arrange this assassination? Strangely, this shot is not fatal. In that case, the sniper could not miss, and it would be easy to take the life of any one of us. This shows that...that person’s mission is not Not assassinating him."

The man named May stopped, his fists clenched. "It's all that woman! I'll kill her."

"Eh eh -" Josie stopped him, "Ssoon, can you calm down? What's the point of killing her now? Although I don't like her, you kill her now, Fourth Lord Wake up, how do you explain to him?"

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