You For Eternity

Chapter 1185: One twin for a lifetime (164)

"I'll go with you. You can't force the Bai family. I still have a few friends in Jiangchuan. Maybe they can help."

Chu Chu smiled: "I'm not going to **** people. I know I can't do it. I **** people from the Bai family and make jokes. In fact, I don't know what I could do in the past."

Ye Yun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, Chu Chu seemed to understand: "Don't tell me about him, I don't want to listen."

Chu Chu refused to talk to him about whether Li Hengzhi was cheating.

Seeing Chu Chu's determination, Ye Yunshen didn't mention it any more, but said, "I don't want you to be hurt or deceived. You are smart, but you who are deeply trapped in gentleness may not be able to find the strangeness. I have seen me. A shrewd sister, blinded by her passion for love, she didn't believe what she saw."

Chu Chu closed the book he was reading, turned his head, those bright eyes looked at him, and said to Ye Yunshen: "Yunshen, if I saw it with my own eyes, believe it or not... if others don't believe my answer, you still Don't believe me?"

Ye Yun was stunned.

After a while, he smiled bitterly.

Yes, obviously he was once the experiencer, so he still doubted her, worried that she would choose to forgive in the end.

Probably... do you think it is different this time, you are married and have children?

After all, she was a little different from her now.

Chu Chu glanced at him and understood what he was thinking. He smiled and said, "Although I am no longer the Chu Chu you met eight years ago, the blood in my bones cannot be replaced."

After boarding the plane, his seat was not actually next to her. The person sitting on her right was a middle-aged man. Ye Yunshen came over suddenly: "Uncle Gao, can we change positions?"

The person with the surname Gao glanced at Ye Yunshen: "Oh! Yunshen, why do you meet you here, do you want to go to Jiangchuan?"

"Yes, there is something wrong with going to Jiangchuan."

Mr. Gao turned his head and glanced at Chu Chu, and nodded his head, "Okay, then I'll go over there."

"Thank you Uncle Gao, I will invite you to dinner another day."

"No need! What are you doing so politely? Isn't it just changing positions."

Chu Chu didn't say anything.

Although it was a coincidence, if he didn't know the person sitting next to her, there must be other ways.

After leveling, Chu Chu couldn't sleep and took off his blindfold.

"You seem to be worried," Ye Yunshen said, "Your eyes are bloodshot, and you must have not slept well last night."

"There are some things that you don't have to say," Chu Chu rubbed her temples, and said calmly, "Yun Shen, in fact, I have said it many times. Don't waste time on me, even if you If you don’t like Mu Qinxin, you can also try to contact other women. It’s not difficult as you are."

"But now the opportunity is here, I'll wait."


Chu Chu smiled bitterly, "That's why you are so active to find his fault? But, do you think that as long as I divorce him, I will return to you? I can't go back. Besides, you can do it. Is your family already?"

"At least there is a chance, I can regain the opportunity and qualifications to pursue you. It is my business whether I do or not, and it is your business whether you agree or not. If you don't do this, I won't be able to step through this hurdle for the rest of my life. He said, "As for my family, you can rest assured that with your current status as the mayor of Haicheng, their eyes will not blink. They will not refuse all the conditions that are conducive to the development of our family business."

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