You For Eternity

Chapter 1188: One double for a lifetime (167)

"Mom!" Nian Xin roared, opened the door, and shouted at Li Yunyan, "Are you still my real mother? What do you mean by something like this? Do you even think I'm ashamed of the Bai family? I like small Bai deserves to be forced by you to marry someone I don’t love? I like Xiaobai, so I deserve to be forced by someone I don’t know? In the Bai family, apart from Taipa and Xiaobai, no one really loves me! Now you I dare not tell my grandfather that Xiaobai is unconscious, and my brother is far away, so you can force me to marry when they are not here! Family...this is my family..."

"Nianxin! Mom dare to swear—"

"I don't need you to swear!" Nianxin cried and opened her hand. "Xiaobai will never accuse me of defilement of the Bai family, and my brother will never plant those sins on me... They are my greatest Loving family! If you want to tell me why I became like didn’t do it all! You made me feel like I was in the ice cellar, and it was Xiaobai who warmed my heart! What about sin? What about indecent? I just love such Xiaobai!"

"Speak down—" Li Yunyan stepped forward and covered her mouth, "There are outsiders here! Your father can't bear the most serious things, if you and your uncle's affairs are spread out, the city will be full of trouble. Everyone knows, that's bad!"

Li Yunyan hurriedly pulled her into the house.

"Nianxin, listen to what your mother said, if you do it for the good of your uncle, you can't make trouble. Lan Jiaken and the Bai family are married. This is the best way to help cover up this family scandal. There is no better way. You are not the person on the table, and the only one who will bear all this is your uncle! Wherever he goes, he will be pointed out by people outside, saying that he has tainted his own niece. Recognize the facts, daughter! You and you The feelings between the uncles are not tolerated by the world. How can uncle and niece be together?"

Li Yunyan said badly, Jiang Nianxin was speechless.

"You also think about it, no matter how young Xiaobai is, he is your father's brother after all! You let him be with you, how do you face the Bai family? You are going to tell your grandfather, you Want to be with your uncle? His old man can't stand it anymore! Even if your grandfather is gone, what will happen after that? How do you let Xiaojing and your father get along? Do you want Xiaojing's most respected eldest brother to disappoint him? The two brothers will turn against each other because of you! Is this what you hoped for?"

Since Nianxin hasn't eaten all the time, and yelled a few times earlier, she is now a little dizzy, and she backs a few steps unsteadily, leaning on the dressing table.

What she hoped...

This is not what she hoped for.

She just wanted to be with Xiao Bai, it was that simple.

"囡囡......" Nian Xin saw Wei Young standing at the door, and Zhan Yan held her hand.

She ran in, crooked, as if she could fall by accident.

Nianxin squatted down and took her into her arms.

She didn't know when she stood there, maybe she heard some too, but she knew that Yi Weiyang's current age couldn't understand a word, so she was not worried.

"Mom... why are you crying?" Wei Yang raised her little hand and touched her face.

"It's okay..." Nianxin's chin stood on Weiyang's small shoulder, "Why is Weiyang here?"

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