You For Eternity

Chapter 1198: One double for a lifetime (177)

"Little lady, don't run around--" The maid chased after her without restraint, and did not dare to hurt her.

"Mom... Where's mom..." Wei Young turned around in the huge Bai's house, couldn't find it, a little anxious, her eyes flushed with anxiety, "Mom is gone..."

"Little lady, don't run around..." The maid stepped up to catch up with her, regardless of her tweaking, and grabbed it.

The place in front is where Master Bai is. Master Bai is in such a bad mood now, how dare he let this little guy run over.

Wei Young burst into tears.

"Who is there?" Bai Yuming's voice.

The maid was startled and shivered: "Bai...Master Bai...I will take the little lady back to the room."

"Hold it over."

The maid was stunned for a moment, then carried the child, and explained: "The little lady has been arguing to find her mother, but I didn't watch it for a while and let her run out. Sorry, Lord Bai, I'm just—"

"Child..." Bai Yuming stood up suddenly and hugged Wei Young.

Wei Young, who had been crying, saw him, and stopped crying.

I don't know why, but looked at him so quietly and strangely: "Grandpa...who are you? Do you know where my mother is?"

This is the first time Wei Young has met Bai Yuming head-on.

"I'm your grandfather, your mother's father."

"Grandpa!" Wei Young's eyes suddenly brightened, "Xiao Bai is also grandpa!"

For the children, because of Bai Yujing's relationship, they have a good impression of "Grandpa".

In her small world, "grandpa" is as good as Xiaobai.

Wei Young's eyes were bright, and those eyes were extremely mindful. The facial features on Xiaoyuan's face hadn't fully opened yet, but the breath of mindfulness could be vaguely felt from her body.

Bai Yuming, who felt something from the child's speech and behavior, asked: "Then do you like Xiaobai?"

"Like it!" Wei Young nodded, "Xiao Bai is fine."

"What about me?" Bai Yuming asked unconsciously.

"I like it too!"

This answer made him startled.

Children at this age are really little angels, and her innocent smile is enough to melt everything.

Boy... You know, I killed your mother.

If you knew the truth, would you still like me?


"Like Grandpa!" Wei Yang replied nonchalantly.

That purity was the impression that Bai Yujing gave her.

Bai Yuming left the hall holding Wei Young, leaving the maid stunned and wondering what to do.


Why does Lord Bai seem to have changed himself?

She has stayed at the Bai's house for many years, whether it is Miss Nianxin, or Master Bai Xi, Master Bai has never revealed that...

The soft side.

He thought...

Master Bai doesn't like children.


On the way back, Lan Ye kept leaning on the car window, expressionless.

Because Lan Fei was worried, she didn't have the mind to manage Bai's affairs.

No matter what Bai Yujing and Bai Nianxin did, they couldn't match his younger brother.

She should have hated Bai Nian to the bone, but in front of such a brother, she was afraid to say a word that said she was bad.

I don't know how she exists in A Ye's heart...

"Rely...!" Lan Ye suddenly cursed, and everyone in the coach was taken aback.

"A Ye..." Lan Fei called to him worriedly.

"Sister..." Lan Ye called to her suddenly, "Bai Nianxin... is it really dead?"

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