You For Eternity

Chapter 1206: One twin for a lifetime (185)

Gu Tong coquettishly rushed into his mother's arms: "Why...I still put you my dear mother first everywhere? The last time you asked me to go on a blind date, I still promised you nothing. Oh? Unfortunately, I was met by God. I couldn't argue with it. I had been in a cold war for several days."

Mother Gu knew this was a bit surprised, "Really?"

Which mother likes to disturb her child?

Although she feels that the Li family’s family background is too good, and their family is a bit high-spirited, they are not very optimistic about the relationship between their daughter, but objectively speaking, the child Li Tianyou is in her eyes and is a good child.

And the parents of the Li family can also tell from such a short observation that Tong Tong is right, a rare good in-law.

Tong Tong married in the past, should not be able to bear any grievances.

I'm afraid that if Li Tianyou bullied her, these two sensible in-laws could still help her.

When Mother Gu thought about it this way, she felt that her previous worries were unnecessary, how wonderful this husband-in-law’s family is, and her daughter’s vision is really unique!

She looked at Li Tianyou again, the latter nodded embarrassedly: "It's the real aunt...I...I was too impulsive...I didn't think too much."

"It's my fault..." Mother Gu frowned, "I didn't think about it, I just wanted to find a right person for Tong Tong."

"Okay, okay!" The atmosphere was not right, and Aunt Li pulled it out aloud, "What do you do with those past things? The most important thing is, isn't the matter between Tongtong and our family Tianyou settled? Another day? Let's get together again and set this engagement date."

"There is one more thing I want to talk about about the house... forget it, I am marrying my daughter, and not selling my daughter. Those who belong to your family belong to your family, and we are not greedy. Besides, that is the worst. I’m planning to do it, and I now believe that God Bless will treat our family Tongtong well. If the two of them can last for a long time, what house ownership rights can they talk about?"

"This is right, right!" Aunt Li praised again and again, "I'll just say, what's wrong!"

"Mom, I will buy a house. My sister is not afraid of nowhere to live."

Gu Yan was knocked on the forehead by Gu's mother, "What nonsense! Unlucky!"

"Yes!" Gu Tong was happy today, hugging her mother's shoulders and said with a smile, "I'm not going to your house, my sister-in-law will give me a roll of eyes in an hour! I'd better go to our Chuchu house and stay. There are so many rooms in their house anyway!"

Gu Tong was also stared at by Gu's mother: "You too!"

Gu Tong immediately stuck out his tongue.

Aunt Li laughed for the first time tonight: "Tongyan Wuji, don't care."

Nianxin things are a part of her heart disease, but it won't always be so sad. Her son's major event was settled, and she was naturally happy.

The dead have already died, but the living must get out of the haze and live a good life.


Today is New Year's Eve, every household is lit up with lights, and restaurants are even more lively.

Qian Chenghai and his party got out of the car and walked to the restaurant.

In the Tianzi private room, the Xiao family had already arrived.

The family greeted them and sat down.

Although Xiao Yuanhang and Qian Churui were having a divorce, since the suicide incident came out, the matter has been shelved and has not been brought to life.

The New Year is usually together. Since we haven't separated this year and the two have been friends for many years, they have also gathered together to eat together, or it's not bad that it was the last time for a meal.

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