You For Eternity

Chapter 1234: One twin for a lifetime (213)

Chu Chu frowned when she heard it: "Why are you so perverted... the more miserable others are, the better he will be? What kind of distortion does his psychology look like! Why is being a prince distorted like this? Is the prince stressed?"

The corner of Li Hengzhi's mouth twitched: "When you ask me this kind of question, who is not even recognized by the royal family, can I answer it?"

"...Sorry, I didn't mean that." Chu Chu was afraid of hurting his past that he couldn't mention.

She walked over and sat in his arms, hugging him: "If it touches your past, we won't talk, I believe you. If you don't believe you, I won't be here to wait for you to come back obediently. The answer is actually I know in my heart that you will not betray me. It is because we have all been hurt that we cherish each other more."

Li Hengzhi looked at the people in front of him and was even more touched.

It was the woman he thought about day and night, and he missed in his deep sleep, his love for the rest of his life, after not seeing him for such a period of time, his thoughts had already overflowed.

Qianyi didn't dare to be too presumptuous. Now that Qianyi went to bed, he couldn't bear it anymore.

He lowered his head slightly, grabbed her little lips, and entangled her fragrant tongue.

Once they touched each other, it evoked all the feelings of the past, and Chu Chu was also lost for a while, immersed in his gentle and somewhat eager kiss.

The thoughts of each other are well communicated to each other.

For a long time, the two of them pressed their foreheads and gasped slightly.

"Do you really trust me that much?"

Chu Chu blinked, squeezed her index finger and thumb, and said, "In fact, there is such a loss... It's really just a loss... But I quickly denied it, I want to believe you."

Seeing her rebellious cuteness, his heart was about to melt.

Don't say it was just a loss, even if he really doubted him, he wouldn't think there was anything.

In that case, it took a long time to contact him, and I suspect that he is all light.

"Sorry... I worried you this time." His voice was soft.

Chuchu unbuttoned his shirt button by button, and when it reached under his chest muscles, there were still circles of bandages wrapped there.

She put her hand on his wound and touched it lightly, her eyes were full of distress: "It's fine if you are fine, it hurts..."

"It doesn't hurt. I'm glad that his purpose is not to kill me, otherwise I won't have the life to come back to see you and Qianyi this time. I'm afraid I won't die, my soul lingers in this world."

Chu Chu hugged him with his chin resting on his shoulders, his nose sore, and somehow it was a bit heavy: "No nonsense."

He is really moved.

He still feels unreal to be able to hold Chu Chu now.

Chu Chu abandoned his usual calmness, and said a little childishly: "Can we really not kill Budi?"

He laughed: "It's not a last resort, don't take this step."

She just asked jokingly, how can you really think about that?

Assassinate the crown and prince? joke!

"You really have such a plan!" Chu Chu patted him on the back, dumbfounded.

"The plan is definitely planned. If he wants to move my wife and children, I will let him butcher?"

Hearing his words, Chu Chu felt even more sour, and the sorrow and grief in his nose became even worse.

Because from what he said, I could faintly feel that his scars were mostly inseparable from Budi, but he still hadn't gotten that far.

What can get him to that point is if Budi touched his bottom line.

His bottom line?

She and Qianyi.

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