You For Eternity

Chapter 1236: One double for a lifetime (215)

Even after seeing the photos of them together, Chu Chu still chose to believe in Li Hengzhi.

Since she believed in Li Hengzhi, she would not have any hatred towards Yu Zhitong.

Before she waited for the answer, she was not planning to classify Yu Zhitong as a "small third".

But now, after knowing half of the truth, there is no need at all, and he can't hate Yu Zhitong even more.

The opposite is sympathy.

She is not the client, and she has no right to judge whether her decision was correct, but since one of the clients, Li Hengzhi, did not even show the intention of blaming, what else can she say?

Although everyone should be responsible for his choice, but this matter involves him again, it feels closely related...

It's really hard to get out for a while.

Even if it's just a friend who has been hurt or something because of himself, he will definitely feel guilty, let alone the person who has liked it before?

Chu Chu noticed that from the photos of him to her home and on the plane, Yu Zhitong had always wrapped herself tightly.

It is winter. She didn't notice this detail at first, but now combined with the truth she knew...

"Could it be that she has injuries?"

"You guessed it right," Li Hengzhi nodded. "After she went to Butler, it became like this when she came back. Although her natal family is in Haicheng, she can't go back to that family."


"Even though she proposed the divorce, in the eyes of the family, she is the one who was abandoned. The king and prince...the world's concept is like this. Even if he is not the prince of Butler, just A commoner, people's natural idea is still the most traditional concept of women being deprived, especially those pedantic elders. In their eyes, Zhitong is just a tool. After the tool has no use value, does it have any meaning? She can't go back. In Haicheng, except for one of her friends, I am the only friend she knows."

"Why..." After Chu Chu heard the story, even though the story had nothing to do with him, she still felt cold in her heart.

At this time, she won't worry about details such as why she is looking for you and not another friend.

If something happens to herself, she thinks of those people who have been closest to her, apart from Li Hengzhi.

"Her friend didn't know about her, only I knew," even though Chu Chu didn't ask, Li Hengzhi said clearly, "she was very helpless at the time and could only find me. I know, some people will say even For this kind of thing, the person she should be looking for shouldn't be me, who already has a wife and children, but the situation is special. In that case, she can't find someone else."

"I understand," Chu Chu nodded, not intending to blame him at all, "I also think you should help her. She's right, the wrong person is the pervert."

Is this kind of thing going to be publicized?

She was despised by her family when she came home from a divorce. If such a thing were to be publicized, she probably wouldn't be able to gain a foothold in Haicheng.

"She's so pitiful... to marry that kind of scum for the sake of the family, but when she comes back, no one accepts her again. She herself feels worthless, right? But the woman in my memory does not have that kind of resentment. a feeling of."

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