You For Eternity

Chapter 1241: One double for a lifetime (220)

"Second Lord, please relax. I Luo Xing pledged with my own life. Miss Nianxin is fine. She only needs proper rest." Luo Xing felt that he had to take a reassurance to Er Ye.

"Good." He just nodded lightly.

But when I heard Luo Xing's assurance in my heart, my heart really relaxed a lot. Worried about it, but no longer worried about her life.

It's fine.

"Second Lord, since Miss Nianxin is okay, let me take care of this place. You don’t have a good day to sleep these days, so you can’t go on like this..."

Luo Xing is a healer, and he knows that he must maintain good mental power. If the rest is not enough, it will inevitably affect his operation.

And his operation is tied to the life and death of Nianxin, and there must be no mistakes.

If it is not necessary, he rests according to his normal biological clock. But he would find that when he went to bed, the second master was not asleep, and when he got up the next day, the second master was already by the side of Miss Nianxin.

So repeatedly, this is what he has seen during this time.

I don't know if he has ever slept, even if he slept, the time is certainly not long.

Luo Xing also discovered at this time how much potential a person can have.

And the one who supported the second master was Miss Nianxin.

"I'm fine." Bai Yujing looked at Nianxin, speaking quietly.

"You are not an iron striker—"

"I know my own body, you don't need to worry about it, go do your own thing."


Persuaded, he tried his best.

If the second master could really persuade him so well, he wouldn't have been in this small town for so long.


If this continues, I'm afraid that Miss Nianxin will be better, and the second master will collapse again!

But right now, he couldn't find a good way to dissuade the second master.

In the room, Bai Yujing took a pot of hot water and wiped Nianxin's face. Looking at the thin face, I prayed in my heart to bring her back to her original form as soon as possible.

This scrawny look really hurts.

"Nianxin, I promise you that I will never be separated from you again."


One night passed quickly, Luo Xing got up, after washing, passing by Nianxin's room, he saw that the second master was indeed there and awake.

I sighed in my heart, wondering if Erye ever closed his eyes last night.

"Knock, knock -" He tapped on the door, "Second Lord, it's dawn, you should go to dinner first, I'll take care of Miss Nianxin."

"No need, send me in later."

"...Yes, I will go back."

Luo Xing is not good at cooking. Three meals a day are bought from outside. When not going out, they order takeaways and deliver them to the door. Sometimes he would order any noodles by himself, and the second master would just walk by and eat directly.

How should I put it, Luo Xing felt that eating what he made was a kind of torture, but the second master ate calmly and never made any comments.

At that time he thought, hey, the second master is afraid...has already been tasteless.

For him, food is as long as it can be filled.

"Eh, Ayan, why are you here."

The sound of Luoxing came from outside the door.

"No one is following, right?"

"Don't worry, I still have this anti-reconnaissance ability." Zhan Yan's voice.

Luo Xing, who had just left the house, turned back again, closed the door and said, "You came just right, I'm going out to buy breakfast, you can do it."

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