You For Eternity

Chapter 1247: One double for a lifetime (226)

Luo Xing breathed a sigh of relief when Bai Yujing's hostility dissipated.

He now understands a truth, and now he can't provoke Miss Xin to provoke anyone, and he can't say that Miss Nian Xin is bad if anyone is bad.

That's right!

In other words, in the future, hug Miss Nianxin's thighs so that he can stay with Erye for a long time!

Luo Xing touched his chin, feeling that he was really witty.

"Okay..." The thoughts watching all that just now grabbed his hand and said, "Xiaobai, why are you scaring Brother Luoxing? He didn't say anything."

Luo Xing felt that there must be something wrong with his eyes.

Although the hostility dissipated, the second master still had the same cold appearance as before, but when Miss Nianxin's words fell, the second master seemed to have changed personally immediately.

The person who is talking to Miss Nianxin with a gentle smile is...


Second master shouldn't know how to divide it!

"No, I just made a joke with him." He said.

"Uh, yes, yes!" The dog's legs were moving, naturally nodding, "Second Lord, this is joking with me, Miss Nian, don't worry."

A joke, when did their second master make a joke!

Nianxin's gaze swept across the room: "By the way...Are there only three of us here?"

"Yes," Luo Xing replied, "Zhan Yan will come here once in a while, but in order to prevent Master Bai from finding any clues, he stayed for a while and went back soon."

Nianxin blinked suspiciously, and then asked: "Then...then if I want to take a bath...what should I do?"

"Puff--" Luo Xing almost squirted out water, scratching the back of his head, "Well, I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Hey Luo-Brother Xing..." Nian Xin's gaze finally fell slowly on Bai Yujing's body.

She also just remembered this question.

She now... seems to be unable to get out of bed.

"Want to take a bath?" Bai Yujing asked.

Nian Xin was taken aback and nodded.

Bai Yujing stood up, lifted a corner of the quilt, and was caught by her: "What are you... doing?"

"Aren't you going to take a bath?"

Looking at her doubtful little face, Bai Yujing also understood something. He looked at her indifferently and said: "Do you think that you have been in a coma for so long, did Luo Xing wipe your body? I think he dares ."

Luo Xing's head suddenly penetrated: "Dare not dare!"


"It's the second master! I'll get out immediately!"

"That's..." Nianxin's gaze finally fell on Bai Yujing's body, "It's"

"Is there a third person?"

"Um -" Nian Xin was startled, her body was already picked up by him, her pupils dilated, "But..."

Bai Yujing was not irritable, and walked to the bathroom holding her, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "Shy?"

He just remembered something.

"Where is the little girl who kept going to throw me down before? What about the bad girl who tortured me beyond words in the cabin?"

This time is not the other time, she... just think for a moment that it has been him since she was in a coma...

She couldn't control her body fever.

Luo Xing's voice came again at this time: "Second Lord, the hot water is ready."

Nianxin: "..."

Hey, when will Luo Xing put in the hot water!

"Suddenly I remembered that the lunch hadn't settled yet, so I will go out first."

The sound of the door closing proves that there is only...

She and Xiao Bai are now two!

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