You For Eternity

Chapter 1260: One double for a lifetime (239)

What is the relationship between the two of them?

When she was in trouble, when did Gu Tong abandon her?

After Chu Chu finished speaking, he moved the chair to a certain position, and when he fetched the phone, he opened the online transfer: "Let's talk about it, I will transfer it to you."

Gu Tong was taken aback for a moment, and continued: "A lot..."

"Say, when were you such a mother-in-law? How much is it?"

On the screen, Gu Tong stretched out two fingers.

"Twenty thousand?" Chu Chu nodded in question, "O."

Gu Tong shook his head desperately.

Chu Chu's fingers also stopped: "Twenty...ten thousand?"

I thought that "quite a lot" and guessing "ten thousand" would be enough, because she couldn't think of anything that Tongtong had to spend, and suddenly said it was two hundred thousand, which made Chu Chu also stunned.

"This..." Chu Chu glanced at his balance, "Tong Tong, it's not that I don't lend you, but... I am also ashamed of my pocket... I don't have 200,000 to lend you..."

She did have some savings, but most of them were not her own. In the past few years, her father had given her and taught her to raise herself in Mork and run out of Qianyi. She has always bought good things for the children.

Li Hengzhi also gave her some, but because he felt that he didn't have much to spend, he wouldn't need more, just be near him.

Tong Tong suddenly asked her for this large amount, but really couldn't get it out.

Gu Tong is not the kind of person who turns his face without a friend, let alone say something like "Your husband is the richest man in Haicheng with 200,000 yuan. Would you not lend me or a friend?" This kind of strange thing would only say.

She was grateful for Chu Chu to help her; if she didn't help, she wouldn't feel too much.

She was already cheeky when she could open this mouth to Chuchu, so she just asked more embarrassedly: " much can you lend me at most?"

"Don't talk about this first," Chu Chu said, "could you tell me first, why do you want so much money?"

A loan is two hundred thousand. With Tongtong's character, it is impossible to borrow the full amount from her, which means that she has to do more than two hundred thousand.

Why is she going for such a large sum of money?

With so many, no wonder I couldn't say it at first.

"Actually... I'm helping Gu Yan cou. My mother saw that my business was settled, so she arrogantly helped Gu Yan go on a blind date. I saw a few consecutively, all of which were blown out because there was no house. I know Gu Yan doesn't care. But I feel uncomfortable in my heart. It is not for him to marry a wife. He is not in a hurry at his age, but just wants him to be better. He has the ambition to buy, but he does not currently have the ability, so I have thought about it these days, but still think Help him, pay the down payment first, and let him repay the loan by himself."

"Bah baah baah, who told you this? Gu Yan wants to buy a house is a good thing. Young people should have a goal to strive for. Whether for marriage or not, they must have a place to live, so that they can also help the aunt I take care of the convenience when I receive it from the city center. I support it!"

"I think so too. If it weren't for my decision, I won't ask you to borrow the money. In the future, I will need money to get married with God..."

Chu Chu knew that Gu Tong started to work and save money when he was very young, and he had some cash when he sold a used car some time ago. But if you have to consider your own future and help your younger brother, that's not enough.

Chu Chu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, 200,000 yuan, right? I don't have one, we Li always have it!"

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