You For Eternity

Chapter 1272: One double for a lifetime (251)

Chu Chu hurriedly picked up the phone: "It's okay, I just didn't pay attention, the bag was robbed, and Tong Tong went up and chased it. I have to go and see if I don't tell you!"

"Don't ask for the bag, just don't get hurt."

Those who dare to rob in the street must have a weapon on their bodies.

"I know, I'm just afraid that Tongtong will come in trouble!" Chu Chu wiped the ashes off his body and chased him immediately, "I will contact you later--"

There is not much cash in it, and the bag was given to her by Li Hengzhi. The price is certainly not low, but if it is hurt by this, it will not be worthwhile.

"Don't hang up, put the phone in your pocket."

Chu Chu ran a corner, and saw Tong Tong using his bag as a weapon in front of him, and a flying bag hit the thief's head. There seemed to be something hard in her bag that caused the person to fall to the ground.

"Tong Tong! Don't mess around! Give him the bag!"

They were separated by a hundred meters at this time, and she watched each other get up from the ground and pulled out a bright thing from her arms. Eighty percent of them were daggers.

Gu Tong was eager to catch the thief. Wherever he could hear Chu Chu's voice, when everyone around was screaming and avoiding, she became more and more courageous: "Damn, you put things down for Lao Tzu, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for ruining you. hand!"

"Smelly girl! Nosy! Come here again, I will kill you!"

"Come on! Who kills who! I'm afraid you are a scumbag!"

The dagger stabbed in disorderly, Gu Tong dodged, and clasped his wrist with one hand. The man was shocked, but he didn't expect to be avoided, and he jerked his hand sharply.

Gu Tong almost couldn't catch it.

Chu Chu took a deep breath.

This Tongtong is really scary to death!

Although she herself didn't know how many times she had met the same scene, when that person was a good friend of hers, her heartbeat was still out of rhythm.

Suddenly, a motorcycle drove out of another road in the grass, and the person on it got out of the car with a helmet, waving a steel pipe and about to hit Gu Tong in the head.

"Tong Tong!!"

At this time, Chu Chu had nothing to use as a weapon, and at the moment of his death, he threw the phone out and sprinted at the same time.

Seeing that there was a helper, the steel pipe turned and struck Chu Chu. Chu Chu leaned back and supported the ground with one hand. Following the track and the strength of the flip, his right foot kicked from right to left, and the steel pipe fell in response. On the ground.

The two of them were not Chu Chu and Gu Tong's opponents at all. They were subdued one by one, and at this time, the passers-by on the side hurriedly called the police.

Two thieves were pressed to the ground. Chu Chu and Gu Tong sat one each. Gu Tong unceremoniously patted the head of the man below, cursing: "It's great to have a dagger! It's great to rob! It's great to meet both of us. Yes, you are unlucky! Have hands and feet to rob! Don’t be ashamed! Don’t be ashamed of you!"

"I was wrong... I was wrong Grandma..." Thief A cried with a headache, "Don't beat me and don't grab it..."

It was just a false alarm, and Chu Chu also breathed a sigh of relief, "I said Tongtong, can we stop messing around in the future? What if I get hurt."

"Take a hundred hearts, this kind of little thief, ten more are no problem!" Gu Tong let go of the boast, and smiled again, "Of course, you will be divided into four."

Chu Chu rolled his eyes and didn't fight with her. He took the phone that hadn't been broken, but he didn't even hang up. "Don't worry, we're all right."

Li Heng had heard the movement here long ago, and laughed: "I should really worry about the safety of the two robbers."

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