You For Eternity

Chapter 1274: One double for a lifetime (253)

Li Tianyou hung up the phone: "Kai Maohui!"

The little nurse was embarrassed: "But... But this time the dean personally presided over, and the name said, Young Master Li, you must go..."

"Just tell the dean, the meeting is important, or his grandson is important!"

The little nurse blinked, "Sun... grandson?"


what! !

"Hey, Young Master Li is in a hurry, where is he going to go? If there is no one in the meeting, the dean should blame him again."

"Looking for his grandson-ah no, the dean's grandson went?"

"The dean's grandson? Huh???? Isn't that it?"


Outside the operating room, Chu Chu anxiously waited.

Fortunately, the accident was not far from the Glory Hospital. I only found out when I sent it to check...

Tong Tong, this is dysmenorrhea!

I acted obediently, so scared that her hands were full of sweat, I quickly notified Li Tianyou who was still not working in the hospital.

After a while, Li Tianyou appeared, panting and running over: "Tong Tong...How is Tong Tong?"

"It's inside..." Chu Chu frowned, "We all thought it was the big aunt... I didn't even think about it at all."

"Don't blame you." Li Tianyou, who had a hippy smile on weekdays, disappeared, and now he looks a little strange to Chu Chu.

Although he was worried about Tongtong, he would not indiscriminately shift the responsibility to Chu Chu.

The light went out and the doctor came out.

"Uncle Zhao! How is she?"

The doctor was meant to talk to Chu Chu, but Li Tianyou suddenly interrupted, took a look, and was startled: "God, why are you here?"

"She is my girlfriend."

Doctor Zhao opened his mouth and was a little surprised: "Then...that child is yours? Oh...this is all right! Your father is so happy to die! Your kid! He has been reluctant to start a family, but this time he is silent. Loudly, the action is very fast!"

Hearing this, the two of them don't need to ask to know that Tongtong and the child are fine.

"Don’t worry, my wife and children are fine. But you young people are really good. They are all 6 weeks pregnant. Why don’t you know at all? You ran to fight, no, that’s the fetal gas, so it’s good to be sent to the hospital in time. This can't be done in the future."

"Uncle Zhao taught that I will definitely look at her well in the future, can I go in and see her?"

"Knowing that you are anxious wife, good boy! Go go, it seems that your wedding wine is near! I'm going to ask your dad for a drink."

Chu Chu followed Li Tianyou in.

Gu Tong was already awake, and was stunned when he saw Li Tianyou: " know?"

Li Tianyou walked towards her with a serious face, and stopped in front of her, looking a little terrible. Gu Tong was guilty in his eyes, and she also knew that her impulse this time almost caused...

So he looked elsewhere and hesitated: "It's a big deal...I don't want to fight in the future...huh...?"

Gu Tong looked away, but naturally didn't see it. Chu Chu could see clearly that he was looking for Tong Tong to settle the accounts, but he hugged her.

"It's all right."

Chu Chu laughed out loud.

It's rare to see the appearance of a young wife like Tong Tong.

Gu Tong blinked, "You... don't you blame me?"

"It's not your fault."

Gu Tong slapped his heart with a fist and let out a sigh of relief: "Li Tianyou! You scared me to death! Please don't come over so seriously in the future, OK! I thought you were going to hit me! I scared the baby to death. "

"Okay. Seeing you are so vigorous and powerful, then you are really fine."

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