You For Eternity

Chapter 1280: One double for a lifetime (260)

Luo Xing looked at Nian Xin's back, really a little dazed.

No one knows them here, and it is a place with simple folk customs and good security. It can be said that it is basically zero danger, so the second master said at the beginning, if she wants to go out for a walk, it is good, don't stop her.

But all the time, because of her face injury, she was very resistant to the outside world.

Suddenly today he said he was going out for a walk, Luo Xing didn't react for a while.

She said she was going out, and she didn't even wear a mask. Is Miss Nianxin planning to face it?

Bai Yujing often comes in and out, so the people around here basically already know him, and his outstanding appearance makes his popularity rise rapidly.

If there is a vote, it must be the first.

However, before the women had time to dream, they knew a cruel truth. People already have wives. But they soon discovered that this legendary "wife" had never appeared before, so there were a lot of voices about whether she really existed and whether he used it as a shield.

Today, the appearance of Nianxin's face made everyone quickly associate the two things together, and they spread in the community. Many people quickly rushed out to watch after receiving the news.

"No... Is Mrs. Bai such a person?"

"It looks so small...and what's going on on the it worthy of Mr. Bai?"

"It's a shame... I think I'm prettier than her..."

There are a lot of comments and welcomes. After all, everyone is not relatives, no grudges and no grudges. They will all be neighbors in the future. After a few conversations, they found that people are pretty good and have scars on their faces. It is not her fault. Is not it?

Thinking of seeing each other often in the future, Nianxin knew the people who greeted each other one by one.

"Mrs. Bai, today is Valentine's Day. Why didn't I spend time with Mr. Bai, but went out with friends."

Friends refer to Luoxing.

The "Mrs. Bai" screamed, and I felt happy in my heart.

I don't know if I don't go out, Xiaobai has never told her about these things.

When the people disperse, Luo Xing can see that Nianxin is already smiling, and he feels relieved.

Ms. Nianxin is fine.

"Brother Luo Xing, I found out that I really thought about it too much by myself. Everyone was fine, and after I really came out, I found that I didn’t care about the hurt on my face to the point that I was sad and wanted to cry. ...Has been slowly acceptable."

"There is nothing wrong with Miss Nianxin's beauty, how can a scar be concealed? I am not exaggerating. You have really become ugly, and the second master will like it very much. Not to mention the same as before. Beautiful?"

Nianxin smiled contentedly,

"Brother Luo Xing, shall we go further? I want to turn around."

"no problem."

This small town said it was big or small, and it was rare that Miss Nianxin was interested, and of course he was willing to accompany it.

Although there is no danger, you still have to follow.


"Luo Xing, say, where did Xiao Bai go?"

Luo Xing smiled bitterly: "Miss Nianxin, I really don't know."

He really didn't know, the second master came and went without a trace, he didn't dare to ask more?

It upsets the second master, and it's not good to be driven back.

Nianxin turned around, walked backwards, and looked at Luo Xing and said, "Couldn't Xiaobai... secretly go out to find a beautiful young lady?"

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