You For Eternity

Chapter 1283: One double for a lifetime (263)

Luo Xing took a sigh of relief and continued: "Most of the second master's property is not under the real-name card, but I am afraid that the ones that can be used have already been used, and the rest is known to Bai master. The existence of. Once the amount in an account is moved, Mr. Bai will know immediately, and our hiding has no meaning."

"Counting this way, it's true that Erye hasn't asked me to buy anything for a while. It turned out to be because..." Luo Xing beat his head annoyedly, "I'm so stupid! I thought of this! My second master is going out every day during this period, why didn't I feel that something was wrong..."

"It's not that you are stupid..." Nianxin's face was already covered with tears, "We have always taken it for granted, thinking that he is really a god.

How could they, who rely on Xiaobai in this way, think that he would be trapped by money?

Luo Xing and Zhan Yan have followed him for so many years, and the deposits for ordinary people have been beyond the reach of a lifetime, but even so, he would never speak to them.

No, even if they offered it, he wouldn't want it.

"What can I do now..." Luo Xing had a headache.

How could he bear to look at the second master's plight? But he didn't dare to directly relieve--

No... relief? How can this word be used for Erye?

He is damned!

The second master does not need relief! He was only temporarily blocked by the obstacle in front of him!

"Miss Nianxin, is there a way?"


What can she do? Xiaobai's card can't be used, how can her card?

In Jiangchuan, she and Xiaobai were already dead, and the accounts under their names could no longer be moved.

Nianxin suddenly squatted down.

"Miss Nianxin?"

Tears kept dripping into the asphalt road under my feet.

Her voice was choked with sobs: "Luo Xing... I'm so sad... Why did things become like this... My Xiaobai shouldn't do such rough work... How can he... How can he go to the construction site? Moving wood? He was because of me... right? My heart hurts..."

Luo Xing stood there, speechless.

Can he say no?

The second master will come this far, indeed because of Miss Nianxin...

The most dangerous place is the safest place. They did not escape from Jiangchuan City, but hid in a remote town in Jiangchuan.

This small town is not prosperous. Many constructions are still backward. There is no extra decent work. If you want to make money quickly, the construction site is a good place to go.

Although hard work, as long as you can endure hardship, the salary is much higher than that of decent work, and the settlement is convenient.

It was unexpected and reasonable for Er Ye to abandon those ordinary jobs that were obvious.

"And what can I...what can I do for him?" She raised her head and looked at Luo Xing with tears in her eyes.

Luo Xing squatted down, "Miss Nianxin, there are many things you can do, for example, pretending not to know this. The second master is using his way to protect you, so let's... choose to be silent.

Nianxin took out the ring box in her pocket. It was a pair of couple platinum rings. They bought them when they were shopping. Today is Valentine's Day. She wants to wait for him to come back and put them on by herself. The ones she used... Bai Yujing left for her Money.

She spends money extravagantly as before, but this second, her heart hurts like a crack.

"Let's go back."

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