You For Eternity

Chapter 1293: One double for a lifetime (276)

Bai Yujing took a bite to Luo Xing: "If you are moved, eat more. You have taken care of it these days and reward you."

Crying: "Xie Erye..."

The second master is true love to Miss Nianxin, true love! !

Luo Xing felt in a daze that in the future, their two masters would become the legendary beloved wife.

Nianxin looked at the funny scene on the other side and couldn't help but smile.

Forget it, it's not bad food anyway, she is happy too if they eat so well.

"Brother Luo Xing, you're right next door anyway. If you like to eat, come here anytime."

"No, no, no!" Luo Xing shook his head like a rattle, "How embarrassed to come and disturb you often! I...I can't ruin your two-person world life, Erye and Miss Nianxin."

"Come back if you know?" Bai Yujing said.

"Yes," Luo Xing couldn't help nodding, "Second Master taught it so, his subordinates remembered, and will never come here casually. Then... Then I won't bother, I'll go back first."

"So fast? Don't eat any more?" Nianxin asked.

"No, no, I've actually already eaten it, Second Master, Miss Nianxin, please use it slowly."

Nianxin asked suspiciously: "Weird... how did Brother Luo Xing run so fast today? Did you threaten him?"

Bai Yujing raised his head and smiled: "No."

"What's going on..."

Outside the house, Luo Xing called Zhan Yan: "Ayan, it's miserable! The future of our second master is really miserable!"


"You should come over if you have time, you can't come anymore, I'm afraid the second master's stomach will be gone!"

The person in love is really terrible!

After eating breakfast, clearing away the bowls, Bai Yujing put on his coat and walked out of the house.

Nian Xin has also changed into comfortable home clothes. Seeing him out, she immediately got up from the sofa: "Xiao Bai~ Do you still want to go out today?"

"Yes, but I will be back soon."

"Why are you going out every day recently...Can't you take me with you?"

"Take you out next time."

Nianxin took his arm and asked, "Can I ask, what are you going out for?"

"I'll tell you later," Bai Yujing said, pulling out a card from his wallet, "Take it, if you are bored, let Luo Xing take you to the mall to buy things, don't you like shopping the most?"

Looking at the card that was stuffed into her hand, Nianxin didn't feel like it for the first time. She lowered her head and said, "My preferences...will change...I don't like shopping anymore. I don't need this card if I don't buy things."

Bai Yujing paused: "Don't like shopping anymore? What do you like? Yachts?"

"No!" Nianxin's reaction was a little overdone.

"Didn’t you pester your brother to buy you a yacht? The yacht is now in Haicheng and cannot be used. Did you want to go to sea?"

"No, no!" Nianxin shook her head, "I'm tired of it, I don't like it anymore."


In their current situation, how would he buy her a yacht? !

Nianxin was angry and anxious. She obviously didn't have extra money to squander her, but she still looked like everything had changed. She really wanted a yacht. Couldn't he sell organs for her? !

Nian Xin was so flustered that she couldn't speak, turned her head and sat on the sofa.

"..." Bai Yujing was a little startled.

He walked over, squatted in front of her, and sighed, "Why are you still angry?"

"Not angry..." Nianxin looked away, her voice softly.

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