You For Eternity

Chapter 1295: One double for a lifetime (278)

Luo Xing was surprised: "This is not good! Miss Nianxin, this is a Valentine's Day gift from the second master! How do you sell it? No matter what, there is no need to sell it. Doesn't it mean that life is enough? This is the second master’s mind..."

"There is nothing I can't do. I have seen and felt his intentions. This necklace is not enough to prove it. Taking advantage of the short time, I can sell it back for the highest price."

"That's right... but..."

"No! Even if it's exposed, I won't confess you. Xiaobai will scold me, just call me alone."

Luo Xingjiao: "That's not true. How can the second master scold you?"

"That's it? Go, go early and return early."

There is only one jewelry store in this town, which is the place they visited yesterday.



Chu Chu slept deeply.

I had insomnia until dawn, and finally fell asleep because I was too sleepy.

Dazedly, she felt something wrong with her hand and opened her eyes.

It's him……

She didn't know when, she threw into his arms.

When Chu Chu moved, Li Hengzhi also woke up, looked at her, and lifted the broken hair from her face, "It's still early, go to bed."

Chu Chu continued to rub his arms, and said in a low voice: "When did you come back?"

"Before dawn, I promised you."

"Why didn't I feel..." Did she come back shortly after she fell asleep? Really pinch time...

"How is Sister Yu?"


Without hearing the answer, Chu Chu raised his eyes: "What's the matter?"

"...In the intensive care unit."

"!!!" Chu Chu, who hadn't slept for a few hours before, was shocked now, "What did Budi do?! Why is he doing so hard?!"

Li Hengzhi's voice was a little low: "Forget it, for you, that world is too cruel, I don't want to tell you. Chu Chu, I want to protect you. I hope you never know about the gray areas or even the black areas. ."

Chu Chu hit his chest with a fist, but the force was not very strong: "Do you think your wife is a white lotus? I also have blood on my hands. Sister Linzhong, don't think I am too fragile. ."

The corner of Li Hengzhi's mouth twitched, and she squeezed her nose: "I know the big sister of Linzhong, please cover."

Chu Chu is not weak, but her so-called toughness is only to cover up weakness. If he can protect her from the beginning, she doesn't need to be strong.

"Don't worry, little chestnut, my sister will cover you, whoever bullies you, tell my sister, my sister will help you out!" Chu Chu said solemnly, but pinched his chin with his hand, who molested a good wife and man. Posture.

After the joke was over, he returned to his serious face: "By the way, sister Yu is like this... Is there really no way? Budi is seriously hurting, right? How can I just leave it alone because they are husband and wife? No, they are already Divorced, now sister Yu is a free man."

"The police also need evidence to handle a case. Even if it is a public prosecution, it is useless if she does not charge.

"Because of Eva?"

Yu Zhitong's daughter.

"Yes, Eva is in the hands of that person one day, and she can't get out of control one day. What if I kill Budi, if something happens to Eva, she won't survive."

"I understand..." Chu Chu frowned. She was a mother, so how could she not understand how she felt.

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