You For Eternity

Chapter 132: Not deliberately ignoring her

What's the suddenly so considerate, is there any fraud?

Something's wrong... It's too wrong!

He showed her a look when she came, and she deliberately didn't respond when she talked to him. Why did it seem to have changed when he came back from a trip with Uncle Li?

This too cloudy, right?

It is said that a woman's heart is needled in the sea. According to her, the mind of a big boss is also not easy to guess.

Qiantao, who couldn't figure out the reason, looked confused, but this kind of thing was not easy to ask... so she could only mutter in her heart.

Thinking about it, her thoughts ran to the issue of the album just now.

Although there are only two photos related to Li Hengzhi, she has a vague guess in her heart.

In the two photos, there is no appearance of Dad Li.

The last time they met the father and son, together with these two photos and his surname, made her wonder if Li Hengzhi was raised in a single-parent family?

She is now very interested in this gossip, and she really wants to know the real reason, otherwise it will be like a small bug crawling in her heart, and she can't catch it no matter how hard it is.

However, even the supernatural media can't pick up Li Hengzhi's wealth background, let alone her.

He once said, don't worry about his family affairs.

It seems...

She was destined to scratch her heart on this puzzle.

However, after knowing that he might not have fatherly love since he was a child, she moved with compassion. She couldn't help thinking, no matter how powerful he was, he was still a mortal, did he have unknowing pain buried in the bottom of her heart?

Is there a possibility that indifference is just a skin he uses to cover up the truth?

Suddenly, a black mobile phone appeared in his sight.

Qiantao lowered her head and saw Li Heng driving with one hand, and holding a mobile phone in the other hand to her. She was confused: "?"

"Save your number." He looked forward and said lightly.

"……?"Eh? Suddenly... Qiantao couldn't react, and was stunned.

"The phone has been changed." He said again.

"Ah? Oh..." The brain was still running fast, and his hand had already received his mobile phone.

The screen is on and the wallpaper looks like it comes with the system, nothing special. She immediately opened the address book, and there were very few numbers stored in it, and it was done with a slight pull.

Because of the small number of people, I saw the names of several people at a glance. Li Nianxin and Li Tianyou were next to each other, as well as their uncles. They seemed to be relatives and friends by their names.

She saw a different mobile phone in the storage compartment.

...So, is it Li Hengzhi's personal phone that he is holding now?

After starting to have a guess, she went to the call log interface in an uncontrolled place with her finger. She wanted to know something.

Sure enough, on the call log, the number I dialed a few days ago was displayed as a string of numbers here, and I murmured unconsciously: "So you didn't save my number..."


It was a red light and the car stopped. Qiantao turned the phone interface to him and clicked on the string of numbers with her nails: "This, my number, I called you the other day... I want to tell you that I'm back."

Li Hengzhi glanced at it impulsively, and he suddenly realized: "So it's you."

Green light.


So, if he didn't answer her phone a few days ago, maybe he was busy at that time. Afterwards, he didn't know him, so he didn't answer the call?

Didn't you ignore her on purpose?

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