You For Eternity

Chapter 176: Leave it to you, Mrs. Li

He lay on his side, getting rid of the usual cold feeling, the corners of his lips twitched, as if a coquettish smile crossed the corners of his eyes, and he described incomparably ambiguous: "Do, eat, do."

After a word, every word was clearly spoken from his mouth, and his firm gaze seemed to tell Qiantao: She heard nothing wrong.

This "eat" is not the other "eat."

"We... are not doing well?"

Qiantao looked down at herself, still wearing what she wore when she slept last night...

At first glance, there is no mess.

"What do you mean?" He asked ambiguously.

After sleeping for a night, she lost her memory a bit, but... it should be that nothing happened, she can't remember at all, right? If you do, you will be more or less impressed.

In the next second, Qiantao covered her forehead.

What did she say to him just half asleep and half asleep?

Dear? ?

Obviously changing the person opposite to Gu Tong didn't mean anything else, but that person was Li Hengzhi...

Feeling the soft ups and downs of the mattress, let go of his hand, Li Hengzhi is already up, the loose white T-shirt and trousers with deep V-neck, the neckline is a bit wide, and the abdominal muscles can be seen faintly, full of air full.


This early, the male temptation of a certain big president was okay...

Qiantao took a sip of water, raised his eyes, and collided with Li Hengzhi's gaze, who turned inadvertently.

The sight of nowhere slipped away, and after a quick reaction, he looked to the ceiling.

Qiantao: "..."

It's better not to look at the ceiling, because she looks more guilty, right?

But after staring at the ceiling and crying in her heart for several seconds, she still didn't understand. She didn't do anything wrong and didn't do anything to apologize to him. Why did she avoid his sight?

I heard that tears won't fall if you raise your head...

Yes it is! Tears swallowed her stomach.

The baby feels bitter, but the baby does not say.

Li Hengzhi looked at her for about five seconds, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he turned and walked into the bathroom.

Forgive her, if he keeps standing there, her neck can be seen breaking.


Seeing Li Hengzhi in formal clothes, Qiantao asked smoothly: "Are you going to the company today?"

On Saturday, all employees should be on vacation, right? He still has to go to work as the president?

"Well," he nodded, pulling his tie and standing in front of the mirror, "Go and settle something."

He said, turned around, looked at her sitting on the bed, and hooked his hands.

If it weren't for the two of them in this room, Qiantao would definitely look around, thinking it was not calling her.

Helpless, she got out of bed, stood in front of him, and looked at him suspiciously.

Li Hengzhi grabbed one of her hands and placed the solid-color tie in her palm, "I will leave the tie up to you in the future, Mrs. Li."

Looking down at the tie in his hand, Qiantao's mouth opened slightly, looking a little surprised.

Qiantao raised her head, looked at him, and smiled: "Remember the tie accident five years ago?"

I didn't remember it at first, but when she mentioned it, he thought of it as if he had successfully extracted the memory fragment.

Oh, that thing.

Wearing a tie can ruin the vibe of the earth.

Putting the tie on both hands as if offering a Hada, he turned his head and smiled and said, "You said you never dare to let me tie your tie anymore, so Mr. Li, come by yourself."

"Really?" Li Heng couldn't remember, and pushed his tie back, "I don't remember."

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