You For Eternity

Chapter 178: I swear there will be no next time

"Hey... baby, mom didn't mean to be late, I'm lost again..." Qiantao held her face and smiled as beautiful as a delicate flower.

And Qianyi who was opposite her, holding her small arms, narrowing her two beautiful ice blue eyes, looked at her carefully.

Gu Tong sat next to Qianyi in a similar posture. He wisely chose Qianyi's camp and attacked Qiantao together. He knocked on the table solemnly and said: "Mrs. Li, you are such a behavior of valuing **** and despising friends and despising your son. Is very wrong."

Unlike Qianyi's apology, when Qiantao swept away Gu Tong on the right, her eyes changed instantly, staring at her.

Even if you don't help speak, you're still in trouble!

Gu Tong stuck out his tongue at her playfully.

"Qian Xiaotao, why are you staring at Godmother?" President Qian spoke, glanced at the time, and said, "Godmother is right. You are indeed ten and twenty-nine seconds late because of the big boss."

Why is it timed baby!

"I swear, there won't be another time."

President Qian said coolly: "Believe you are a ghost."

"..." Qiantao collapsed inwardly.

When was her credibility in Qianyi Na so poor?


While Qianyi went to the bathroom, Qiantao asked, "Don't you know what happened to Qianyi yesterday?"

Gu Tong shook his head: "I don't know... the wound on your face..." She pointed to the position of her band-aid.

"It's okay, it's just a stroke."

"Seeing you walk very neatly, your feet are fine, right?"

"It's okay!" Qiantao patted her chest and said, "I'm Xiaoqiang, I can't beat you! The swelling disappeared when I woke up in the morning, it was all right!"

Qiantao smiled optimistically, but Gu Tong glanced at her and sighed.

"What's the matter!" Qiantao grabbed her hand, "I'm fine, Tongtong, don't worry about me. Besides, there is Li Hengzhi now, no one dares to bully me. You don't know that he came to rescue me yesterday Time, how handsome! My girl's heart is thumping."

When Qiantao said that, she did not mention it as expected. Later, she yelled at the glorious deed that Li Hengzhi was almost strangled to death by him...

Cough, skip it, it's not important!

"Eh!" Gu Tong frowned, didn't completely believe her words, reached out and rubbed her hair indiscriminately, "We peaches... eh... It's really ill-fated... Are you fate? What is missing?"

"Me?" Qiantao smiled and bloomed, "My life is short of money!"

Gu Tong rolled his eyes.


She didn't know if Li Hengzhi was a good destination, she really didn't want to see the inhumane entrusted by her good sister.

"Huh..." Qiantao looked out the window.

"What's wrong?" Gu Tong also looked over.

"That girl, here... that... is Li Nianxin, Li Hengzhi's sister."


"En...Brother, I've already arrived...I won't use it to pick me up, I just have to take a taxi and go there." Li Nianxin was holding a mobile phone in her hand and a handbag, and the other was holding a suitcase, like Just came back in general.

I hung up the phone and put the phone back. Because I couldn't get my hand, I accidentally squeezed it out. The phone banged and fell to the ground for a certain distance.

When I was about to pick it up, I bent my body and turned the direction of the open handbag, all the small items inside turned out and rolled to the ground.

Li Nianxin: "..."

She knelt down and picked it up slowly, and suddenly a pair of men's hands with a big skeleton appeared, slender and beautiful.

Those hands...

It turns out that there are so many people in this world who have such beautiful hands, just see one casually.

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