You For Eternity

Chapter 187: We are not dating

Yao Xin's office.

"Peach, are you dissatisfied with me?"

"No Sister Xin, why do you say that."

"Then why do you want to resign and go directly to the minister over me?"

Qiantao didn't know that there was such a rule. Confucius and Mencius was the boss of their department. She saw him come out and handed it out naturally without thinking too much.

"Let’s not discuss this matter. Let’s talk about your resignation. Do you have to resign? Qin Ming’s matter has also been investigated. Last month, his fiancee, who was about to get married, got married and ran away with a rich man. He is not quite normal after being stimulated a little. He has been fired, and the senior management has said that he will definitely seek justice for you, and this matter will not be counted."

Yao Xin thought to herself, the mayor’s daughter, can we just do this? Without a proper result, how can the Lord Mayor explain?



As soon as Qiantao came out, she received "caring" attention from many people, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Gu Tong stepped forward and asked, "How is it? What did you say?"

Qiantao raised the resignation letter that was returned, and shrugged: "Let me say goodbye and feel the enthusiasm of the TV station colleagues...?"

Gu Tong couldn't smile, "Do you know what's going on?"

Qiantao was puzzled for a moment, and thought of something, "Big BOSS?"

"Bingo!" Gu Tong said, hugging her shoulders, and said with a smile, "There is a saying that is well said, it is really good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, but it is really true! O! I heard that Qin Ming's affairs have also been done. It's solved, I can't lose you! Then I can rest assured."

I wanted to resign, but then...

This matter has to be omitted for the time being.

Qiantao thought, she didn't ask for any special treatment, but just wanted to get back to before the incident and everyone got along peacefully.

Although she knows that her evaluation will not be too good in the future, as long as it is not too excessive, she is not intolerable.

After a week of purification, Qiantao really felt like she was back to the beginning, and she couldn't even hear some small sounds.

The ***** thing seems to have passed.

It's just that she is inevitably still the focus of her sight, and many people come to please her.

Probably... They think that she who has been in love with Li Hengzhi for five years will one day become Mrs. Li?

Hmm... even though they didn't know she was already.

Thinking of this, she felt a little funny.

"Peach! I've always been curious, how can you bear it? We used to discuss your boyfriend so passionately, but you can't help but not tell us. You can't help it."

Qiantao smiled slightly and did not answer.

Originally, her identity was not what they thought of, so there was nothing to say.

"Taozi, come to my office." Confucius opened the door of the room and shouted in Qiantao's direction.

"Minister, are you looking for me?" Qiantao entered and closed the door smoothly.

"Sit down," Confucius and Mencius was very polite, "to tell you something."

Qiantao sat down and nodded: "Okay, you said that, Minister."

"This...that's it, aren't you and President Li dating? You see if you can—"

"Minister, we are not dating." Qiantao answered honestly.

Isn't it?

"No? That day he..."

"No, Mr. Li just happened to be passing by, so he can't help but die."

This is not believed, nor is it not believed.

What good is it for her to disregard the relationship with Li Hengzhi? Now the population in the TV station is uniform, and she recognizes this is just right.


The Glory Group is not close to the TV station. President Li is fine... Passing by?

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