You For Eternity

Chapter 190: She cooks herself


"Forget it!" Qiantao repented again, "I just said casually..."

Ji Xuan glanced at her, and did not forget, she replied: "Master has never had a girlfriend."

"Huh?" Qiantao was stunned for a moment, "I haven't had a girlfriend? But I listen to Nianxin..."

She still asked gossip unconsciously.

"Young grandma wants to know so much, so she asks the young master, why did she ask me?"

"! Of course I can ask him, I just test you." From this point of view, Qiantao wants to shoot herself to death, it's okay...

This explains that Ji Xuan didn't say believe it or not after listening, but just smiled and continued to do her own thing.

However, Qiantao still did not leave, lying at the door.

Ji Xuan turned her head and asked helplessly, "Is there anything wrong with the young lady?"

"Just call me peaches!" Qiantao smiled happily, "Um... do you know what he likes to eat?"

"?" Ji Xuan looked puzzled, "Master is your husband, you don't even know what your husband likes to eat?"

"..." Qiantao smiled at the corners of her mouth and thought of an excuse, "We all eat out, where can I cook the things in the restaurant. I mean home-cooked food? He likes home-cooked food."

Ji Xuan has taken care of his food, clothing and daily life for so long, he must know what he likes to eat!

Especially since she still likes him, she will pay more attention to the things he likes. Ask her if you are right.

"Oh..." Ji Xuan thinks about it, and the reason seems to make sense. "Does my grandma want to cook by herself?"

"Yes!" Qiantao nodded constantly.

"When I finish washing the kitchen, I will teach you."


With the help of Ji Xuan, Qiantao made a total of six dishes and one soup, enough for them to eat for three nights.

The appearance looks good, and the two sit at the dining table, waiting for him to come back to have dinner together. Wait and wait, one hour, two hours...

Qiantao, who was already dozing off on the table, woke up, looked around in a daze, "What time is it? Haven't I come back?"

Ji Xuan shook her head: "No...It's nine o'clock. Grandma, would you like to call the young master and ask?"

This is the difference between them.

Young grandma can call and ask at any time, but she can't, she can only wait indefinitely.

"What if you don't fight?"

"If you don't fight, you don't know if the young master will come back. Sometimes you won't come back after waiting for a long time."

"Huh?" Qiantao was surprised, "Then before I came, you just sat and waited like this, never calling him to urge him to go home for dinner?"

Ji Xuan shook her head lightly, "Never."


She felt tired after only waiting for one day. How long did Ji Xuan wait?

"Because I can't disturb the young master's work," Ji Xuan said with a smile, "work is already very busy, how can I disturb him."

"Then if he doesn't come back, what about these dishes?"

"There is an orphanage in the outskirts of which there is no money. Just go and give it to them the next day."

Qiantao was a little emotional for a moment.

She thought she was going to throw away the waste, it turned out to be sent to the orphanage.

"You have a good heart, do you still go to the orphanage to see the children?"

"Occasionally," Ji Xuan nodded, "In fact, they are all from the Li family. Some clothes or other things that Miss Nianxin doesn't want will be entrusted to me, and Master will often ask me to bring some money for welfare. From the hospital. I don’t have anything to give them myself. I just help deliver them. The food is lost and it’s wasted. It’s better to give it to them. Master won’t care about it.”

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