You For Eternity

Chapter 198: Sudden kiss

Li Hengzhi turned around, did not look at her, bowed his head and continued to handle official duties.

In the middle of the office, Qian Tao looked a little bit thin, and asked, "Mr. Li...what did you come to do?"

He didn't look up, and asked indifferently: "I can't find you if I don't do anything."


Boss, this is your fault, your time is time, isn’t mine?

In view of the fact that if he didn't agree with him, he would make an interview. Qiantao didn't dare to say it face to face, slandering in his heart.

While thinking like this, Li Hengzhi suddenly snorted: "Don't think you didn't say it, I don't know what you are thinking. Don't sneer in front of me, I can read my mind."

Qiantao widened her eyes quickly, frightened.

He can read the mind? real or fake? !

Of course Li Hengzhi didn't have to look up.

She has a simple mind and can't hide anything. A bit of dissatisfaction will be whispered, and will usually show it, but today because of the passive state, I dare not murmur, naturally, it will become a whisper in my heart. It's simply something that you can guess without thinking.

It's like knowing she was shocked without looking at it now.

"You haven't eaten lunch yet?" Qiantao, who wanted to change the subject, saw a bag in the corner of his desk, and was faintly stunned to see the stack of takeaway boxes.

He proudly honors the CEO and eats takeout?

No, and are you so busy that you don’t even have takeout?

She remembered what he said very tired last night, could it be...not on purpose, but really tired?

Qiantao touched it in the past, and couldn't feel any temperature anymore, and became more surprised. "I'll heat it up for you."

With that, he picked up the takeaway bag.

Li Hengzhi paused and looked up at the back of her leaving without saying a word.


Qiantao came out a bit quickly, and Yan Hai, who was guarding not far from the door, asked strangely: "Why did you come out so soon? This is..." she saw what she was holding while speaking.

"Where is a microwave oven?"

"I'll take you there," Yan Hai volunteered, "You are..."

"Did he not even eat lunch?"

"Something happened unexpectedly, and it took a few hours to go there. I didn't care about eating. My wife was still very careful."

"Don't call me like that in the company. It will be troublesome to be heard."

Yan Hai looked around, and there was no one, but he said he understood.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and he didn't even eat lunch!

This president is too pitiful, right?


He returned to the office with the hot meal, but after putting it on the coffee table for a long time, he didn't see him coming over to eat, so he urged him to ask: "Mr. Li, do you want to eat? If you don't eat it, I will eat it as a snack. ."

When it was heated in the microwave, the fragrance made her a little hungry.

"..." Li Hengzhi's signing hand paused, "Qiantao, Qianjia abused you on weekdays, didn't even give you food?"

"Don't eat white, don't eat... Don't waste it..."


I thought she wanted her to take the takeaway to him, and finally started to eat. After eating, they can start work, right? So he happily took it over, pushed aside the file in front of him, and put the food in front of him, "Mr. Li—ah—"

Qiantao exclaimed, and her body was gently pulled over by a force. When she recovered, he had grabbed her and sat sideways in his arms, clasped the back of her head with one hand, and grabbed her seductive water lips with glittering pink lip gloss.

"!!!" Qiantao's eyes widened.

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