You For Eternity

Chapter 202: He is my life!

One is someone who is suspected to be talking about marriage (?); the other is someone who she guessed and couldn't think of.

How can people guess...

"You have to be a little bit psychologically prepared. Don't be scared if I tell you." Gu Tong looked for a gap while driving and glanced at her to confirm her current condition.

"What is it?" Qiantao was curious, "Such a mysterious...Could it be that you caught my husband's rape?"

"How do you know?" Gu Tong almost made a mistake.

"You drive well!" Qiantao reminded him, "I just talked casually...Is it really caught?"

Isn't it...

She is not mentally prepared! If this really caught Li Hengzhi's traitor, would she pretend that she didn't know, or would she take out the aura of the main house to ask for clarity?

But her so-called main house... isn't that true?

"It's not that I...nor really caught the **** in the bed... I heard some news that our team leader has a very good network, and I heard some rumors that Li Hengzhi... recently went with the Xue family It's very close. You know the Xue family in Haicheng, right?"

Xue family...

It's the Xue family again!

Gu Tong thought that Qiantao was shocked by not speaking, and hurriedly followed up: "It may not be true. There are a lot of gossips in these circles every day. I'll just tell you, don't worry."

No... she can just listen to everything else, but Xue Miaomiao's incident is not in the air.

What's more, she even saw them eating together with her own eyes. Could this be fake?

"Otherwise you pay more attention these days, if you find something tricky..."

"Tong Tong, even if it is true, what can I do?" Qiantao smiled.

Whom does Li Hengzhi want to marry, can she stop it? It's not at your own discretion to be a car.

Gu Tong was stunned.

Yes, even if Tao Zi is the mayor's daughter, what can it be? If Taozi really loves him, she can still fight for it. Her mayor's father will definitely not sit idly by, think of a way, but...

Taozi doesn't love him, so there is no need to fight Li Hengzhi head-on. I don't know if he can hurt the enemy a thousand, but it is certain to hurt himself eight hundred.

"Forget about these things, they are really true, I wish he divorced me. It's better that he and Xue Miaomiao get together quickly, and the two families will arrange the marriage as soon as possible so that I can be free."

Gu Tong turned a corner and nodded: "Alright, take advantage of your not falling in love with him yet."

After thinking about it, Qiantao still felt a little uneasy, and told Gu Tong: "You can hide one by one, and it will be over if he finds one one baby...he is my life!"

"Don't worry, he is preconceived and thinks Eleven is my son, so he won't think much about it."

Once a person has identified a matter, if there is no major change, he should not think in another direction.


If one day he is asked to connect Qianyi and Taozi together, it will really be over. How can you avoid it when you check it up?

The more he thought about it, the more Gu Tong agreed with Qiantao's words: "Peach, it seems that divorce is urgent!"

Qiantao nodded: "I have to hurry up..."


He kissed her today.

Because of uncontrollable physiological impulses?

Qiantao's eyes flashed and said nothing.

Finally, Tong Tong also supported her divorce, so she didn't want to tell Tong Tong to make her want to go elsewhere.

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