You For Eternity

Chapter 215: He is dating Mei Ren Er

Qiantao's face was embarrassing: "Tong Tong! Can you be a little girly? What kind of words... so dirty!"

Why does it make people blush so much?

"Is it dirty?" Gu Tong choked her, "now I know it is dirty? Why didn't you feel dirty when I started? Now I'm here to complain about the dirty! —Hey, little Taozi, what do you do now? Know, open one eye and close one eye?"

"It's a big deal...I won't ask anymore..." Qiantao grumbled and grunted, "No matter if he raises a football team, I will be blind!"

"Tsk tusk..." Gu Tong kept shook his head and glanced at her disgustingly, "You are the worst house in the world I have ever seen!"

Thousand peaches are in tears, who can say no?


On Sunday, Qianyi had a heat stroke. Gu Yan went out to buy medicine for him. Qiantao was busy for a while, holding Qianyi in her arms, and sitting on the sofa with Gu Tong to watch a variety show.

Except for being sick, Qianyi rarely sticks to Qiantao. At the moment, feeling sickly, being held in Qiantao's arms is very behaving and has not moved.

Seeing Qianyi's not particularly good face, Qiantao felt very distressed and touched his face and asked: "One by one, should you go to the hospital?"

Qianyi didn't speak, just shook his head.

"Forget it, children are afraid of going to the hospital, even President Qian is no exception," Gu Tong said, "Wait until Gu Yan buys the medicine and see if it will be better. We'll go again."

Qiantao was a little self-blaming. She always felt that Qianyi was sick because she was not by his side and did not take good care of him.

She is an incompetent mother, and even if Li Hengzhi calls her now, she will have to take care of the overall situation and leave Qianyi behind.

I can only pray that he will not come back so quickly.

Variety show was advertising, Gu Tong leaned on the sofa and temporarily changed other channels with the remote control.

Suddenly, the appearance of a figure made her fingers stop pressing, "Peach Peach! Look who it is!"

Gu Tong's exclamation caused the sleepy Qianyi to open his eyes, staring at the TV screen, and instantly awake.

that is not……

Three pairs of eyes stared at the man on the TV.

It was a few photos of Li Hengzhi and a woman on a luxury cruise ship.

Sitting in the outdoor cafe on the deck, there is no one else.

Of course, the media did not know that Li Hengzhi was married, so even if such a photo broke out, it would not have any effect on him. On the contrary, it proved that everyone's suspicion for many years was wrong——

Li Hengzhi, it's not GAY!

Look, he is dating Mei Ren Er, enjoying the night view of the sea together.

The photo was probably taken with a mobile phone by a tourist who was also on the cruise ship. It may be too exciting, and the finished product is still a little fuzzy.

But even in this case, Li Hengzhi's face that seemed to glow in the night scene was still recognized.

After so many years, the media finally got Li Hengzhi's first-hand gossip news, which is simply worthy of effort, which is touching!


Gu Tong and Qianyi both looked at Qiantao at the same time.

The latter had a meal and swallowed: "What are you guys looking at me doing..."

"This is what you call... on a business trip?" Because of this big gossip, Gu Tong had already bounced off the sofa and sat up, and watched seriously, shaking his head, "It's as dark as a crow in the world." ... Do all the men under the sky only use business trips to cover up their actions?"

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