You For Eternity

Chapter 221: Why are you lingering?

Xiao Yuanhang, who was drinking at the side, suddenly stopped.


"What do you mean?"

It was also a big gossip in the circle. Everyone was very interested. So Xiao Yuanhang didn’t think much about it. Someone answered, “You didn’t have time to watch the news just after you got off the plane? It was revealed that Xue Miaomiao was the person who was on the cruise with the beautiful lady, and today there is news that they are getting engaged!"

"You guys say it's strange? There is usually no gossip. If you want it, it will be big. This is Li Hengzhi, is it to cover up? According to me, it is gay! Want to find a woman to marry you? Li? The marriage of the Xue family does no harm to them."

Marriage for profit has long been commonplace in this circle.

"Eh voyage where are you going?"

Xiao Yuanhang didn't answer anything. He picked up his mobile phone and went out suddenly, making everyone confused by Monk Zhang Er.

Seeing that he was not there, I had time to ask what was just now: "Why interrupted me just now?"

"You don't know, Yuanhang rarely takes Churui out with him."

"Why? Isn't Chu Rui his wife? We've known each other for a long time, and are we afraid of getting a chance?"

"You went abroad early, maybe you still don't know what happened five years ago?"

"what is the matter?"

Everyone got together.

"Five years ago, Taozi was kidnapped by mistake as Chu Rui. The kidnappers asked Yuanhang for a ransom. Yuanhang thought she was using a plot, so he ignored it. Later, it was confirmed that she was kidnapped. It was unclear how she was rescued and refused to say. . This thing is a bump in his heart."

"There is still this matter... but what does this matter have to do with Chu Rui?"

The speaker pretended to be mysterious and idiosyncratic: "Don't you know that guilt is also a good way to maintain a relationship? I'm afraid...someone is still in love."


Gu Tong is still fighting for alcohol, and the more he drinks, the happier he gets. Qiantao felt her stomach rolling, so she went to the bathroom with a few female colleagues.

The phone kept ringing, so I grabbed it and left.

"Hello?" She leaned against the wall and continued dazedly.

"Peach?" Qiantao finally answered the phone, Xiao Yuanhang's voice was a little anxious, "Where are you?" He heard something wrong with the surrounding voices.

Qiantao glanced at the screen, and the numbers on it had changed to several, but because of the deep impression, she recognized it at once, and put the phone back to her ear again.

"Well... Xiao Yuanhang... Where am I... What is your business..."

Xiao Yuanhang listened carefully, and the more he listened, the more wrong it became. How could the background music on her side be exactly the same as what he heard live, even the frequency was correct?

She is also in Victoria?

Qiantao hung up the phone and ignored him. Xiao Yuanhang ran one by one looking for her. Luckily, she found her when she came out of the bathroom.

She was awkwardly about to fall, and he hurried forward to support her body.

"Xiao Yuanhang?" Qiantao squinted at the person in front of her, and smiled, "Why are you lingering?"

Raised his hand and patted him on the face, "It looks like it really is..."

She wanted to leave indifferently, but he grabbed her arm, dragged it into the secret tunnel, mortgaged it on the wall, and shouted, "Qiantao! Look at yourself like this ghost!"

Victoria’s decoration is very special. Many of the walls are made of glass. When she turns her head, she can see a blurry image in it. She smiles silly, "It's beautiful..."

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