You For Eternity

Chapter 223: Are you happy to make me feel bad?

The greeting was already done, and the atmosphere was not right. Qiantao didn't want to stay here anymore, so she said goodbye: "I have to go back, or my colleagues will think I am missing."

The others laughed and nodded cowardly, because they didn't know if they should keep her.

At this time, Xiao Yuanhang, who had been silent for a while, suddenly grabbed her wrist, pulled her back to the seat, and said with a serious face: "Don't go anywhere tonight. I will send you back afterwards. Thousands."

Qiantao was embarrassed when she saw other people, she didn't know what to say, and she didn't quarrel with him in front of other people here, trying to free herself from her hand: "I will not return to Qian's house, Tongtong is still there. , We will go back together."

Xiao Yuanhang's hand was holding her tightly, just not letting go. Everyone else looked at her painful, so slender wrist.

"Yuan, better let go of Taozi first, do you want to squeeze her hand?"

its not right……

The atmosphere is too wrong!

Is there something between them?

At this moment, Qiantao's mobile phone on the table rang, and everyone's eyes moved over, including Xiao Yuanhang.

The three words "big creditor" have attracted attention.

Others didn't understand what it meant, but Xiao Yuanhang thought of someone as soon as he saw these three words.

Li Hengzhi!

His eyesight and hands were quick to get the phone before Qiantao, and Qiantao fell through.

As if frightened, he stared at Xiao Yuanhang with his eyes wide open: "Don't pick it up!"

She didn't know what would happen in detail, but felt that this call must not be answered!

If Li Hengzhi was allowed to misunderstand that she was drinking with Xiao Yuanhang, the consequences would be...unthinkable!

Xiao Yuanhang didn't answer, but he didn't mean to give her the phone. He looked at her and asked, "It's him, right?"

Others don't understand, and look confused, he? Who?

"It has nothing to do with you!" Qiantao was anxious and wanted to grab it.

"Really?" Xiao Yuanhang was able to deal with Qiantao, "That can only be verified by myself——"

"Yes!" Qiantao looked at the phone nervously, "It's him...can't answer it!"

"Afraid of him misunderstanding?" Xiao Yuanhang sneered, "Qiantao, when will you still abuse yourself! He already has a fiancee!"

This gossip made everyone stare.

Momoko... is getting messed up with a man who has a fiancee?

When everyone did not react, Xiao Yuanhang pressed the answer button, then pulled Qiantao in his arms and kissed again.

"!!!" Everyone was shocked.


This time, Xiao Yuanhang's strength seemed to be greater, Qian Tao couldn't even perform extra movements, and he was firmly held in his arms.

What does he want to do! ! Qiantao didn't want to be heard by Li Hengzhi, but Xiao Yuanhang intentionally hurt her.

"Far...Yanghang!" The friend on the side seemed to react, understanding what Xiao Yuanhang wanted to do, and quickly hung up the call and stepped forward to help.

Qiantao was so angry that she glared at Xiao Yuanhang angrily with the hair that was messed up in the struggle just now, threw all the cups on the table, and lost her temper: "What are you doing Xiao Yuanhang!!" Are you happy to make me feel bad!"

At this point, she didn't have to pretend to be friendly in front of his good friends.

Xiao Yuanhang wiped the corners of his mouth. In the confusion just now, both of them had their lips torn apart by each other's teeth.

"I'm saving you out of the fire."

Qiantao smashed several cups in a row: "I want you to be kind!!"

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