You For Eternity

Chapter 237: Mother Li's intention

"But don't pretend to be in front of me. You can fool a man, but you can't fool me."

Hearing this, Qiantao smiled in relief without knowing why.

Li Yunyan saw her reaction, naturally a little uncomfortable: "What are you laughing at?"

"No..." Qiantao held back a smile and shook her head, "Well, madam, since you have said so, let's open the skylight and speak up."

If she can say this, it proves that she already knows something.

Li Yunyan nodded in satisfaction: "If it's refreshing, we can save some time for each other."

"En," Qian Tao was not ready to mention it before she didn't mention it, nodded and waited for her, "Madam, what do you want to say, just say it."

Li Yunyan opened the handbag, took out a large envelope from it and placed it on the table, and said, "I didn't wrong you about this, right?"

She saw the name of a certain detective agency on the envelope, and she knew something in her heart, and it seemed that she knew something.

Mother Li really came prepared.

Qiantao was not afraid, and opened the envelope, took out the investigation report inside, looked at it, and laughed.

It turned out to be related to the incident five years ago. The result of Li's mother asking detectives to investigate: She calculated Li Hengzhi.

"Well, it was not wronged." Qiantao put it back on the table after reading it.

Li Yunyan has always been able to crush these yellow-haired girls in aura, but for the first time, he couldn't see through this little girl in her twenties.

Obviously it has been dismantled, but there is no fear at all? This is also the reason she didn't understand at this moment.

But she didn't show it and asked calmly: "Is there anything to explain?"

"No," Qiantao smiled. "As my wife found out, I did do it for your son's money. I did it for this bureau."

"You did something like this at a young age, you really show the face of Qian's parents." Li Yunyan said, with some dissatisfaction in his tone.

Suddenly, she felt that she was facing Qiantao's confession. Maybe she didn't bring evidence today, she would just admit it.

This girl...what are your plans?

The more Li Yunyan thought about it, the more he felt that she was not easy.

How can it be simple? So small will count people!

I don't know what the reason is. After knowing his mother's purpose, she didn't feel the tension she had previously felt. She let it go all at once. It was extremely relaxed and easy to deal with.

"Madam, are you here today just to expose me?"

"You are not afraid, I will give this thing to Hengzhi?"

"Puff......" Qiantao smiled suddenly.

It seems that Li's mother didn't know, Li Heng knew about it a long time ago.

"I'm serious with you!" Li Yunyan became serious.

"I understand that you are not joking," Qiantao received a smile and changed her statement. "I just know you won't do that. If you really want to give this thing to him, you won't come to me first today. Now that you have come to talk to me first, there must be other requirements."

If she wanted to give it to him, she had already given it to him. It was so obvious that she couldn't guess it?

"Sure enough, he is a wise man," Li Yunyan said, "then I know that people don't talk secretly. Of course I can give it to Hengzhi, but I am a woman, of course I know women, since you can tie him so For a long time, you have your own means. It's not good to make things worse. It is the best choice to start with you."

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