You For Eternity

Chapter 247: The daughter who corrupts the family

Qiantao went to the ancestral hall and saw the solemn scene, and knew that something might have happened.

Qian Chenghai turned his back to her, facing his ancestors in the ranks.

Several servants stood in the room, and Liu Hui was also by.

Seeing her coming, he said stingly: "Oh, who is this coming back."

Qiantao ignored her and shouted to Qian Chenghai: "Dad, I'm back, what can you do with me?"

"Peach," Qiancheng Hai, who was facing her back, seemed to be depressed, "kneel down."

Qiantao was stunned and did not react.

"Kneel down!" Qian Chenghai turned around, more angry than before.

Qiantao was frightened and already knelt down.

Qian Chenghai looked at her and noticed the silk scarf around her neck.

Surrounded by silk scarves in such a hot day?

It didn't seem right to think about it, and he took a look, his eyes widened: "Peach! You...are you really..."

"My husband, I'll say it's true!" Liu Hui said with no fear, "Otherwise Li Hengzhi will give her so much money? Oh...what evil did our Qianjia do! We brought up such a corruption? Family daughter!"

Qiantao was still blocking at first, but listening to Liu Hui's words, she gradually understood something.


With a "pop", Qian Tao slapped Qian Chenghai's face hard.

Qiantao's face was beaten to the side, and she suddenly felt a little confused.

"Peach!" Qian Chenghai threw those photos in front of her, "You disappointed my father too much! How could you do such a thing?"

Qiantao stared at the photos on the ground, familiar and dazzling.

Five years ago, all the photos of her and Li Hengzhi were taken at the hotel.

How could these photos...

Appeared in Qianjia?

She looked at Liu Hui, who hurriedly explained, sneered and said: "Don't look at me, I am not so capable of getting these photos! Certainly, you have offended someone. Xue family? Their daughter, Don’t you want to get engaged to your boyfriend?"

Liu Hui's meaning is actually very obvious, she is mocking her.

What kind of shame is she Qiantao? Li Hengzhi's real girlfriend is only the daughter of the Xue family, right?

"What else do you want to explain! Huh?" Qiancheng was so angry and looked at her with hatred of iron and steel, "Peach! Are you worthy of your mother for doing this? Why do you want to abuse yourself like this! You say! Are you lying to me when you move out to live with Gu Tong?! Are you collaborating to lie to me? Are you... you are living with Li Hengzhi!"

Things came so quickly, she was still confused.

Every sentence of Qian Chenghai is an ironclad fact.

Seeing her father's anger, Qiantao was stunned, denying it at this time, would they still believe her?

Obviously when I saw these photos, she had already been convicted...

"Sorry, I lied to you..."

She knew that paper couldn't contain fire, and it would happen one day.

"Family method!" Qian Chenghai also made a very difficult decision, "Daddy never beat you since he was a child, because you are good! But look at yourself, what you have become! No matter how good I am Teach you, you will be completely broken!"

"Master..." The servant A Juan couldn't bear it. "The eldest lady seems to have been injured, so let's not do it..."

"Ajuan, when did you take charge of this house? Do you dare to refute what the master said?" Liu Hui said from the side.

"No madam..."

With Qianchenghai cane in hand, Qiantao didn't dare to beg for mercy. For the first time, he was beaten by his father and shrank in pain.

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