You For Eternity

Chapter 256: The little wolf cub of the Sheng family looks at thousands of swan meat (2)

"I don't remember how old it was then."

Qian Chenghai was the mayor, and many people came forward to strike up a conversation, so Qiantao was also surrounded.

Qiantao accompany her father, smiling, and saying hello to the parents. She is very well-behaved. Whether it is her identity or her upbringing, everyone likes it.

Although Qiantao did not miss a trace, her gaze has been sweeping around, looking for a chance to escape.

But those bodyguards were very competent, and as soon as she moved a little aside, they built a wall.

Qiantao is tired.

Suddenly there was a commotion, which attracted everyone's attention.

It turned out that the long overdue protagonist Sheng Ming appeared.

The 1.8-meter tall is very conspicuous in the crowd, and he doesn't wear any formal attire for occasions like this, only a fashionable outfit full of long-legged Obama.

Although he is not so solemn on such occasions, because of his identity, all the words of praise come to his face: young, vigorous! Mr. Sheng is really stylish!


Sheng Hongchang looked over there and greeted his son who was surrounded by beauties in an instant: "Smelly boy, let you come early, you are late! Let your Uncle Qian and Sister Taozi wait for so long!"

Sheng Ming looked over there and saw Qiantao, who was also very conspicuous in the crowd, and immediately left Yingyingyanyan aside and walked over there.

"Hey, Sister Taozi, it's been a long time since I saw you!" Sheng Ming seemed to be foolish, anyone would give him such an evaluation if it weren't for his status as a senior official.

Qian Chenghai smiled and said, "Don't you contact Mork often?"

"Uncle Qian, do you know that there is a word? No one in a day, like three autumns! My sister Taozi has passed dozens of autumns!"

Sheng Hongchang took a serious look: "It's a bit formal!"

Qian Chenghai felt that it was fine, "It doesn't matter. The way young people get along is different from our older generations. It's just a joke, and Tao Zi won't mind. Tao Zi, why don't you fight with your brother Sheng Ming. call?"

Qiantao glanced at him.

Brother Shengming?

Where does he look like an older brother?

Calling her sister is almost the same!

But she was still thinking about how to escape the scene, so naturally she couldn't choke with anyone, and smiled obediently: "Hello, Brother Shengming."

Sheng Ming's eyes suddenly changed, and he raised his eyebrows, as if something flashed under his eyes.

The eyes of the two elders seemed to meet, and they had ideas in their hearts.

Sheng Hongchang took the lead: "Why don't you...let the children talk by themselves? Let's talk about ours, they, they don't want to listen to our chatter."

"Excellent!" Sheng Ming said, "I just want to chat with sister Taozi alone!"

Sheng Ming's meaning is also obvious, and several other companies have also retired angrily.

This piece of swan meat from Mayor Qian's house and the little wolf cub from Secretary Sheng's house have already taken a fancy to these huskies in their house.

How could Qiantao refuse? Smile: "Okay, I also want to chat with Brother Sheng Ming alone."

Sheng Ming pointed to the side: "The sister, please?"

As soon as Qiantao turned around, her smile disappeared.

Sure enough, she still doesn't like Shengming this one, it's too frivolous!

Although Li Hengzhi is sometimes frivolous, he is so frivolous that makes people unpleasant. Isn't this a kind of personality charm?

No... Why did she suddenly compare others to him?

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