You For Eternity

Chapter 267: Fortunately, she crawled on his bed (2)

Qiantao stepped over his body and sat down to a certain place. He didn't dare to move again until he moved a little bit. Holding his shoulders with both hands, he couldn't help shouting, "It hurts..."

I have hurt myself, but can I still use this method, can it not hurt?

Li Hengzhi helped to buckle her waist so that she would not fall because of her weight.

Seeing her leaning against his shoulder trembling in pain, he felt relieved: "Forget it, next time."

Although he is more uncomfortable.

He was facing the direction of the wall, which happened to be a huge mirror. He just glanced over there and was shocked.

There were bruises on her back, shocking.

His hands also held her injured place, and then he realized that her pain is not just a place.

With a move in Li Hengzhi's heart, he hugged her body and leaned forward, protecting her back with the palm of his hand, and gently laying her on the soft bed.

He kissed from her earlobe to her neck, and from her neck to her shoulder, where there are still the tooth marks he left behind a few days ago.

In order to use another way and feel to relieve her pain.

He went in in no hurry, and asked her softly, "What's the matter with the injury on the back? Who beat it?"

He asked seriously, as if he wanted to pick out the person who hurt her, and use his own way to treat her.

That is obviously... sticks, canes, etc., only appear under heavy hands.

It was only a day apart, if it weren't for a heavy hand, it would be impossible to leave such a noticeable bruise.

There was his temperature in her body, and two uncomfortable feelings accompanied her body. She raised her hand to embrace him, as if she had found a kind of comfort, and replied softly, "My father..."

Her answer surprised him.

"Because of our business?"


In addition to the answer, this sound also carried another charm.

He suddenly went in some.

She couldn't tell her feelings, she was beaten by her father because of them.

Because she couldn't tolerate it, she seemed a bit painful.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it either: "Forget it, you should heal your wounds first—"

She suddenly hugged his body and asked him to lean in her direction. Because of the weightlessness of her body, she was completely submerged, and the pain caused her to sweat, and the bodies of both of them became abnormally hot.

He was surprised, and quickly blocked her cries with his lips, and began to feel joy after the pain.

There was an ambiguous breath in the room. In the faster and faster rhythm, the pain was reduced to zero, and gradually I couldn't feel it, only...

Endless joy.


Qiantao's mental power is not very good, so he only wanted her once.

Only once, after the end, she also seemed to be about to die, angered like a gossamer.

It hurts to the extreme.

He was afraid to touch her just because of this.

He really tried his best not to hurt her during the friendship just now, but in the end, he really couldn't care about it.

If he knew in advance that she still had an injury on her back, he couldn't help but be like this.

Her face was soaked with sweat, her hair clinging to her face messily, her eyes closed, lying there, and the mess on the bed, Li Hengzhi couldn't help feeling guilt in her heart.

He seemed to have just experienced a crime scene, and even began to condemn himself for being too hard.

However, the more she looked at such a weak her, the more an inexplicable fire ignited in her heart.

Shengsheng suppressed the sinful thoughts that came up again, lifted the hair on her face, kissed her dehydrated lips, and asked softly, "How's it doing?"

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