You For Eternity

Chapter 286: What is your kiss? This is (4)


Qiantao responded angrily, "Then I'll go back first."

She was just curious, why did Li Hengzhi and Li Nianxin react like that to Bai Yujing? There must be something wrong.

But since it is a question that cannot be asked, she does not have to know if she does not ask.

Don't ask!

Li Heng's movements paused, and he raised his head: "Come back!"

Qiantao turned around and looked puzzled: "Is there anything else?"

"Come and stay with me."

She frowned and shook her head: "I don't like it, I want to sit down."

Her answer made Li Hengzhi frowned.

"Look, you are frowning again! I don't want to go there, you are cold and I am afraid."

He was obviously mentioned something, and he was in a bad mood. Why did she risk being scolded at any time to accompany him?

Qiantao's words gradually eased Li Hengzhi's expression. He put down the things in his hands and ignored him, winking at her, "Come here."

Seeing her still stunned, he repeated: "Come here, I won't eat you."

Qiantao took a tentative step, was suddenly pulled by him, exclaimed, and turned half a circle, and finally fell into his arms. Together with her, the two of them sat on the beach chairs. He held it in his arms and turned sideways.

"I'm in a bad mood," he said, as if explaining.

"I know... so I want you to calm down, so I don't want to make a punch..."

"I don't want to talk about the Bai family for the time being. I will find time to tell you later."

Qiantao smiled: "Actually you don't need to be like this... I don't have to know, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me."

He did not continue this topic, and asked, "I really don't know who Xue Miaomiao is?"

"I know," she shrugged and replied with a smile, "the only daughter of General Xue's family."

It's okay to use his words.

"You know what I'm asking."

"Um... I know, it's broadcast on the news, men and women look very good."

Hearing this, he seemed to be in a better mood for some reason, and the rain subsided. "Jealous?"

"No," Qiantao played with her hand. "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of vinegar girl, so I'll be scornful with you. You and Xue Miaomiao, I just ask. This is what you said. Yes, don't bother about you and your family."

Li Hengzhi laughed helplessly.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You remember all the bad things I said, but you forget all the good things I said."

Qiantao looked surprised: "What else have you said good?"

It means like saying that he is not a person who can say good things and do good things.

But he has no desire to be angry.

Regardless of whether she was deliberate, or acting, her innocence to the whole world will not lose her appearance, so he can't help shaking his head: "I also said that I will satisfy you what you want, but You have never asked me anything. Remember other words clearly!"

"Really?" She smiled with her eyes curled like crescent moons, "Is there such a good thing? That husband, you can buy me a limited edition car, I won't drive it, just keep it Shows that our family has a lot of money and pride! Are you okay?"

He patronized the word "our house" repeatedly, and said without thinking, "Okay, buy."

After he finished speaking, he nodded his lips, his eyes looked over, as if letting her experience it.

Qiantao pecked his lips like a dragonfly, smiling very well.

What kind of car to buy, she just said casually!

As soon as her lips were a few millimeters away from him, she was caught by him and gnawed wildly, so that the people at the eating table over there were laughing while watching them.

Qiantao heard their comments, beat him, and asked in a low voice, what are you doing?

Mr. Li wiped his mouth and said, What is your kiss? that's. Not sincere!

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