You For Eternity

Chapter 305: You are testing my concentration (1)

Those in the box were all Sheng Ming’s Hupengou friends, who drove him badly and said, "Master Sheng, it seems that you are having fun tonight!"

This sentence aroused the sympathy of many people, and they were frolicking.

So many pairs of wolf-like eyes fell on Qiantao who was sitting alone in the corner. She wore a knee-length short-sleeved dress with a round neck, which was simple but set off her unique temperament.

If you have to pick the bones in the egg to reveal the words, then only the limbs and collarbones will be left.

This is when Qiantao turned his head and returned to a sentence from a straight man with cancer.

I didn't know who was drunk, and sat next to her, trying to hook up. I was stunned when I heard this, and I didn't understand what it meant.

Qiantao manually moved the hair that had fallen into her hair, pulled the fallen hair away, smiled lazily, looked at him and said, "I mean, if you dare to touch me, I will make you die ugly. ."

In this era, women are molested and gangsters, straight men with cancer will say that it is because they are exposed to clothing, do not return late at night, and never consider their own problems.

It's not late at night, and she's not dressed to reveal herself, is it?

"Rely..." These cold words caused the drunk man to wake up suddenly, "Which one doesn't know good or bad--"

Before his hand touched Qiantao, he was caught by Sheng Ming who rushed over quickly.

"Did I let you touch my sister Taozi?" Sheng Ming's expression was rare and serious, "If your dirty hands dare to touch her, I will break it!"

Others stepped forward to persuade him: "Sheng Shao Sheng Shao, this is my friend, give me a face, forget it, it's not worth it for a woman."

Qiantao still sat like that, looking at them with squinted eyes, with a smile on her eyebrows: "How boring to argue, have a fight?"

With her smile, the souls of many people were taken away, all of them were dumbfounded.

Even the one who scolded him just now became guilty: "Young Master Sheng, how about letting her give me this number?"

"Don't don't, Sheng Shao, I give more than him, let me?"

Qiantao was not in a hurry at all, as if he couldn't hear what they were talking about, and drank and watched leisurely, with an attitude of nothing to do with him.

With a muffled "bang", Sheng Ming's fist hit the man's face directly: "I let you MB!"

The punch passed and the man fell on the cart, connected to the wine bottle that fell to the ground, and after the women's screams sounded in the box, he fell silent.

The only person who was not surprised or surprised by all of this was Qiantao. As the protagonist of this incident, she was still leaning on the sofa with her legs crossed, watching this scene quietly.

Flicked his hair and moved his ears. It seemed that he was dissatisfied with the cry just now, but he was satisfied with the silence at the moment and nodded: "Isn't this quiet..."

"Who still wants to try?" Sheng Ming's actions startled everyone. He turned around and looked at everyone, "Others do whatever you want, she--no!"

Everyone swallowed and backed away unconsciously.

It is said that everyone has an untouchable bottom line in their hearts. They thought, perhaps this woman of unknown origin is the untouchable in Shao Sheng's heart?

In short, his punch broke the hearts of other people who wanted to touch Qiantao, and they scattered like birds and beasts.

Looking at Sheng Ming, who was like a beast, Qiantao suddenly laughed: "Young Master Sheng, you are rare to be handsome, awesome."

Facing Qiantao, his hostility dissipated, as if the person who was going crazy just now was not the same as him, "Then you let me kiss?"

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