You For Eternity

Chapter 308: You are testing my concentration (4)

However, Li Hengzhi's second punch failed to hit. Bai Yujing, who was already prepared, would not get another second blow in vain, and stopped him with one hand: "What are you doing?"

He wiped the corner of his mouth with the other hand, he was already bleeding, and his brows were frowned.

At this time, Li Yunyan had also arrived and called Aunt Qin to pull them away, "Hengzhi, do you have something to say? What are you doing? Really speaking of seniority, he is also your uncle!"

Li Hengzhi's expression still looked like a yin, blue veins burst out of his clenched fists, and the joints creaked.

Bai Yujing had no urge.

He knew who Li Hengzhi was. He would not do anything for no reason. Most of it was a misunderstanding. Therefore, he just asked: "Mr. Li, where am I sorry about you? Please tell me. It's really my fault. I will come to my house to ask for sin when I do it."

Li Hengzhi loosened his fist without explaining, his expression eased, and said, "No, there is no place that Bai Erye can't stand me. I am itchy hands. If you feel uncomfortable, I will stand here, you random."

Bai Yujing's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he didn't do anything, but just looked at him.

"Since I don't do it, then I will leave."

"Wait—" Bai Yujing called to him, "Have you found Nianxin?"

Li Hengzhi with his back to them: "If you find it, you can go back to your river. Happy engagement, I will go when I have time."


Li Hengzhi didn't leave immediately, and sat in the car to cool himself.

After a while, Bai Yujing came out from inside and knocked on the car window.

Li Hengzhi lowered the car window.

Bai Yujing didn’t seem to take the matter to his heart. He took out a roll of cylinder and handed it to Li Hengzhi: “This is the graduation gift I promised to give to Nianxin. She doesn’t see me. You can pass it to me. she was."

Li Hengzhi didn't answer: "Since she doesn't want it, why doesn't Mr. Bai save this heart?"

"Since I promised, I can't break my promise. You tell her that I will give the gift. If she doesn't want it, she will do what she wants."

If he remembers correctly, there should be a painting inside.

Nianxin's graduation gift-her sketch.

I was annoyed, so I left the painting on the back seat and glanced at the phone.

There are several unread messages from different people.

--where are you?

——I'm at the hotel.

Turn on the phone, locate her location, and stop for a moment.


He just came back from there.


Qiantao vomited Sheng Ming.

Reluctantly, Sheng Ming drove her to open a room in Victoria, put her on the bed and took a shower.


Thinking of these three words, he laughed helplessly.

Drink too much, how can anyone claim that he is a murderer?


Her expression at the time really made him care.

After taking a shower, Qiantao, who was supposed to be on the bed, sat on the ground at this moment, her red face pressed against the white bed sheet, still mumbling.

She kept saying strange things, so he wouldn't guess if he didn't understand.

There were tears on her cheeks.

No one is drinking for no reason, Sheng Ming still believes that she must have thought of something like this.

"Sister Tao..." Sheng Ming squatted in front of her, looked at her little face, and said to himself, "You are testing my concentration..."

He leaned in slowly, a kiss that was about to fall on her lips, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Ding Dong—" Someone rang the doorbell, "Room service."

"Go away, I didn't call." The mood of being interrupted was not good.

"Ding Dong—"

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