You For Eternity

Chapter 310: Did I say I don't believe you? (2)

Xiao Yuanhang suddenly hugged himself, Qiantao's pupils opened, and after the accident, he no longer had so much emotion and energy to scold him.

Dizziness, chest tightness, uncomfortable, the taste of alcoholism is uncomfortable, the whole person is sleepy and want to sleep.

In such a scorching summer, it was still very hot at night, but she actually felt a little bit cold, and she was still warm when he was holding her, so she did not move.

Qiantao was so well-behaved that Xiao Yuanhang's face was full of surprises. He swallowed all the words he wanted to scold, and slowly moved his hands to her back and hugged her, and her voice trembled: "Peach..."

How long hasn't he held her like this for how long?

She always makes him worry!

"Peach, can we talk peacefully?"

Qiantao did not refuse either, leaning her face on his chest, and faintly said: "I have always been very calm, and the impetuous person is you."

In addition to her face looking a little drunk, her voice was so calm that it seemed that she was not drunk.

"Xiao Yuanhang..." Qiantao said first, "You said you have married Churui... and you always take care of my business... What's your heart?"

She raised her head and looked at him from below, " should tell me aloud like five years ago, even if I die outside, Xiao Yuanhang has nothing to do with you... why not Stick to it?"

Xiao Yuanhang's expression was ugly.

The viciousness of what people say when they are angry often makes me think about it after calming down, and I can't believe it was from my own mouth.

"So... you shouldn't care about me today... Even if you see Sheng Ming dragged me in, or Sheng Ming really did something to me, you should stand by and watch it coldly and say, Qiantao, you You deserve it, you're so cheap, you don't love yourself, why should I care about your life and death? Aunt Su doesn't let you care about me now? It's been so many years... Haven't you let go?"

At the end of her talk, she smiled, that smile was beautiful, but poisonous.

Xiao Yuanhang was holding her hand trembling, and the words she said about her stung her heart.

He knew that those were the words he had said to her, and she kept every word firmly in her heart. The verbal harm he caused to her will not disappear over time.

Faced with Qiantao's gaze, Xiao Yuanhang hugged her tighter and shouted: "No, I deserve it...I am a scumbag! It's my **** so many years that I can't forget you! I know you. I've already left, and I'm still waiting for you to turn around!"

He wasn't just scolding Qiantao, every time, he was actually scolding with himself.

How peach is guilty and self-love is another portrayal of himself!

She batted Li Hengzhi's moths to the fire, but what about herself?

Some things are with him, but they just can't get through!

Xiao Yuanhang shouted loudly, and Li Hengzhi could hear clearly in the car not far in front of them.

Since they hugged, his expression has been tense, but he just sat in the car without moving, without getting out of the car, without angrily going to separate them, just watching them quietly, without turning his eyes.

Qiantao pressed one hand on Xiao Yuanhang’s chest, separated herself from him for a certain distance, shook her head and said, "Don’t be silly, Xiao Yuanhang, although I don’t like Chu Rui, but she really loves you, you already After you get married, don’t stand there anymore. Some people have already left. You have already met a new person, so cherish that person."

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