You For Eternity

Chapter 312: Did I say I don't believe you? (4)

"Qiantao, stand there and don't move!"

"Don't come here!" Li Hengzhi yelled at her, not as calm as he was in the car just now, "You come here again, I really jump down."

Her logic is so clear, is she really drunk?

She looked at Li Hengzhi, two lines of tears fell.

Some people just threaten, while others do what they say.

Li Hengzhi looked at her, and could not see any hint of joking on her face, her determination, anyway, if he moved one step more, he would really jump down.

He predicted that he ran over at the fastest speed and might not be able to catch her.

It's really over if you jump down.

He could only think that she was drunk too much and was drunk crazy, otherwise why would she have to jump into the river without warning?

Obviously, their last topic was a thousand miles away from this.

All that is left is compromise.

"Okay, I won't go over, then you behave and come down by yourself." The tone of a coaxing child.

"Do you think I will die if I jump down?"

"Yes, falling into the water at a height of fifty meters is the same as falling on the concrete floor. You can imagine that your limbs will be broken into thousands of pieces. Although there is no fifty meters here, the height is enough. If your face falls on the water first, your face is ruined, and you survived but disfigured, are you still happy?"

Qiantao laughed at once: "Don't lie to me if I read less."

"Do not lie to you."

As if thinking of something again, startled: "I should have died a long time ago..."

"But you are still alive. Since God let you live, he has his plan. You are going to die now, isn't it against God's will?"

He didn't know what she was talking about, but he could always answer.

"Then I come down?"

She looked very coaxing, what he said, she followed his meaning.

The reversal came too fast, as if her intention to jump into the river was as fast as a tornado.

Come and go fast, behave abnormally, people can't guess.

He thought, she was really drunk.

"Come down." He tentatively walked a few steps, and saw that she was not irritated, then walked a few steps closer, and then grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

I already felt her body temperature, and then changed her face and became angry: "Are you crazy? Am I allowed to die?"

After shouting, I felt she was shaking.

She cowardly, leaning in his arms said: "I'm afraid..."

"Do you still know that you are afraid?!"

The look of death just now is not like it!

"But if you forced me just now, I would really jump."

"I believe."

People cannot be stimulated, and they can do everything under impulse.

In the next second, Qiantao burst into tears suddenly, and she nestled in his arms as if she had suffered great grievances, and started crying like a child.

Also without warning, crying made him distraught and helpless for a moment.

"We opened the room, but Sheng Ming and I did nothing..."


The topic jumped too fast, his thinking jumped to the point that he couldn't keep up.

Sure enough, people who drink too much need not mention any logic of thinking, because there is no logic at all!

"I said I don't believe you?" He didn't seem to say a word, right?

Since getting on the bus, she has been picking up her own words.

"Do you believe me?" She blew her nose with a thick nasal voice, "Then you won't wrong me this time? You won't punish me? Don't scold me? Don't--"

He blocked her mouth that couldn't stop talking.

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