You For Eternity

Chapter 314: Which one can manage the lower body when you see it? (2)

The gloomy mood, at this moment, really disappeared.

Qiantao returned to the road, Li Hengzhi opened the car door, took out a bottle of mineral water from it, and unscrewed it for her to wash her hands.

In the woods, Zhizhi has been screaming, the evening breeze blowing over is a bit hot, and the ground is full of summer breath.

"It's September, and the sky is still so hot. This summer is really long..."

The two leaned on the body and did not get in the car immediately.

Li Hengzhi's gaze fell not far away: "I remember there is still a river there, do you want to jump again?"

Knowing that he was insinuating about her jumping into the river, he grinned: "No more..."

"Don't jump anymore? Show off the momentum you just jumped into the river. It's very strong. I have compromised.

She shook her head like a rattle.

"Don't really jump?"

"Really stop jumping."

"Can't you jump in the future?"

"I won't jump anymore." She smiled happily.

In fact, Li Hengzhi's anger had long since dissipated, and now he was teasing her.

He opened the trunk and said to her: "Come here and talk about two yuan."

Qiantao swallowed, always feeling that it was the rhythm before the parents went crazy, and felt very bottomless. He lowered his head and followed behind his ass, thinking, the one who should come is still coming...

How did she know that there was a location in the **** mobile phone?

Li Hengzhi leaned, and Qiantao sat down directly, wearing high heels for a day, her feet sore.

"Are you sober now?"

Qiantao pursed her mouth and nodded.

"Still drunk crazy?"

Shook his head.

"Can you remember what I said later?"

Nodded violently, like a well-behaved child: "Yes, you can."

Li Hengzhi turned sideways, looked at her, and stretched out his hand to her.

Qiantao didn't hide this time, but she closed her eyes abruptly and closed tightly, her eyelashes trembling lightly.

Li Hengzhi's hand stopped in the air for a few seconds, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Does she think he is going to beat him?

When did he really hit her? It made him look like a madman.

The slender fingers just stroked her somewhat messy hair. "No matter when in the future, don't joke about your life easily."

Hearing these words, Qiantao stiffened.

She thought it would be a storm of criticism and lessons, she was psychologically prepared, but this was what followed?

Without noticing the danger, Qiantao slowly opened his eyes. He did not meet his gaze. When she opened her eyes, his gaze had already turned back, looking at the empty road ahead without other vehicles.

"If you have nothing to fear, even if you are not afraid of death, there is nothing difficult to live."

"I am drunk……"

"I know. I said I would throw you into the river, so I got angry and wanted to be angry with me, right?"

Qiantao is bulging, he knows everything...

As soon as the alcohol rushed, she had already climbed up before she could react. Thinking about it now, it’s still terrible, in case it really falls!

"Let's talk about it," he put his hands in the car, "why drink so much alcohol."

"No...nothing..." She didn't answer, lowered her head, "I was wrong...I won't drink so much in the future, and I won't be drunk crazy--huh--?"

Her arm was suddenly pulled by him, she pulled over and fell into his arms.

With her face buried in his generous chest, she heard the deep voice above saying: "May you cry for three minutes."

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