You For Eternity

Chapter 323: The identity of the mayor's daughter was exposed (3)

Gu Tong said that the minister's office has been empty for more than a week, and he doesn't know where the minister has gone.

Hearing that Qiantao was back, the director of the station came to express his condolences in person, and the whole news department was flattered and questioned Qiantao's identity repeatedly.

Even if she has a very close relationship with Li Hengzhi, the director is too obvious, right?

Director Zhang called Qiantao into the minister's office.

The people outside gathered one after another and discussed: "You said... The minister has disappeared for so long, and the director called Qiantao in. Could it be that she was airborne as the minister of our department?"


Even Gu Tong felt that this possibility was extremely great.

"I'm telling you a great news!!" Suddenly, a dozen girls rushed in, panting.


"Peach, about Confucius and Mencius, our station will definitely give you a proper explanation."


About Confucius and Mencius...Explain to her?

"As for you, just tell Mr. Li that we will send you what information the police need as soon as possible. Besides...this matter is over. Confucius and Mencius went in on the crime of extortion this time. Those who can't get out, now the position of minister is vacant..."

Later, what Zhang Yang said, Qian Tao was not very clear, she was thinking about what he meant.

Then slowly, after I figured it out, a vague silhouette appeared in my mind.

No wonder……

She always felt as if she had seen him somewhere, it turned out to be a few years ago!

When she contacted the media, Confucius and Mencius was still in the role of a small assistant, and he even gave her tea! So it was him...

Thinking about it, it was a bit funny. He actually sent the email, and he was the one who caused her ruin, and she mistakenly regarded him as a good person. Thank him for helping herself out!

Zhang Yang led Qiantao out, and publicly announced that Qiantao was temporarily appointed as the minister. Everyone stood up and applauded, saying congratulations.

Qiantao looked at this gang of monsters, ghosts and snakes, as if they couldn't hear anything.

Among these people, who are ghosts? This time, the four words are really fulfilled: unpredictable.

And as always, the person who helped her turned out to be...

Still Li Hengzhi.

He always solved her troubles quietly, but he would not take the initiative to come to her to ask for credit. Is his purpose just to help her out?

Someone arched Qiantao and asked her to treat her to Victoria again.

Qiantao was disappointed and perfunctorily agreed to invite everyone to go on the weekend.

She suddenly became the head of a department from an assistant to the team leader, and became the immediate boss of Yao Xin and Shen Li. Now, there are more discussions about her in the stage.

Anyway, the topic about her has never stopped.

Everyone was too enthusiastic. She was not used to it, so she hid in the office. Gu Tong knocked on the door and Qiantao let her in.

"Hello Minister Qian!"

Qiantao grabbed a notebook and threw it at her feet: "Don't come to Gu Tong! Are you laughing at me too?"

"How dare you!" Gu Tong leaned forward with a smiley face, and sat down in front of her, "How about? The position of Minister, how about sitting?"

"Easy to sit is easy to sit..." Qiantao touched the armrest, "Clean up, I can't hear anything outside."

"Don't worry, how can anyone dare to talk about you now? With the double asylum of Li Da and the Lord Mayor outside, you just wait for everyone to flatter you!"

"What do you mean?" Double asylum?

"Don't know yet?" Gu Tong raised an eyebrow. "My Minister, your identity as the daughter of the mayor has been exposed!"

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