You For Eternity

Chapter 325: Which big brother's **** (1)

An unfamiliar car parked in front of the gate of Qianjia.

Back at home, several parents sat in a row, Secretary Sheng and Mrs. Sheng were all here, sitting in distress. Father and Liu Hui sat on opposite sides. After looking around, I didn't see the shadow of Sheng Ming.

When Qiantao passed by, the scene felt a bit funny.

She is not a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child anymore, and because she hit someone else’s child, she asked her parents to come to the door to settle the account. What is this?

"Uncle Sheng, hello Aunt Sheng." Qiantao walked over and stood beside them, with her hands folded in front of her, and she yelled very well.

Mother Sheng glanced at Qiantao and said, "Taozi is also the one I grew up watching. He is a well-behaved child, polite, has a family education, and has enough famous daughters. Among them... is there something? Misunderstanding? If there is a misunderstanding, we will make it clear so as not to wrong the child."

Instead, Liu Hui started to criticize: "Taozi, you have to talk quickly, did you beat Sheng Ming?"

"Peach! Tell me the truth!" Qian Chenghai said sternly, "You and Sheng Ming are in good shape, why he was beaten up in bed? Do you still have accomplices?"

Qian Chenghai felt that Taozi could not do it alone.

Qiantao opened his eyes slightly unexpectedly: "He can't get out of bed?"

She didn't watch it yesterday...

I heard the two of them ping-pong, as if they had dropped a lot of things.

Sheng Hongchang's expression is not very good: "Our Sheng family has only one single seedling. If you don't like Sheng Ming, you can't do it like this. Our Sheng family will not find a good marriage!"

"Sorry Uncle Sheng...I didn't mean that..." Qiantao lowered his head and carried the pot on his back.

It is much better to memorize this matter yourself than to pull others in.

It is not good for anyone to involve Xiao Yuanhang more.

"Then you are admitting that you played our home, Shengming?" Sheng Hongchang had already stood up angrily, "Qiantao, you are too much!"

"I'm sorry...Uncle Sheng, do you think you want to follow suit, or send me to the bureau? You just figure it out, it's me too much."

"You really thought I didn't dare to do it!" Sheng Hongchang dropped a cup first and gained momentum. "If I hadn't looked at your father's face, I would have been--"

"Lao Sheng, leave this to me. Our Thousand Family still has family rules. If you commit an offense, you can't easily forgive it!" Qian Chenghai also stood up, "Taozi, go to the ancestral hall and kneel, and I will settle this account with you. !"

How long has Li Hengzhi's affairs been getting better? I thought she had grown in at last, but who would have caused it to him again!

Qiantao recognized it, and be beaten if he was beaten.

"Eh wait--" Mother Sheng answered the phone and said with a face, "husband, the servant said, Ming Ming has been calling Taozi's name..."


When Xiao Yuanhang and Qian Churui returned to Qian's house, the servants were still cleaning the debris in the living room.

"What's the matter? Who is losing my temper again? My daddy or my mommy?" Qian Churui asked.

"It's Secretary Sheng."

Xiao Yuanhang was startled, Secretary Sheng?

"Secretary Sheng? Why did he lose his temper in our house?" Qian Churui asked strangely.

"It's not your good sister who loves trouble," Liu Hui came down from the stairs. "The temper is so big that the baby son who holds people in her heart can't get out of bed. No less mad at your daddy, no lunch. I went out after eating."

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