You For Eternity

Chapter 341: Love is made (2)

As soon as Qiantao's words fell, everyone still couldn't tell whether she was here to tell the past or to settle the accounts.

Yu Jiajia didn't panic.

If today was the first time they met, she might be surprised and shy. But I knew she was here before, and if I was mentally prepared, that was another matter.

"Hello, Chief Qian."

Qiantao stepped forward with a smile on her face, grabbed her hand, and said very familiarly: "Jiajia, great, I finally see you again!"

Yu Jiajia was stunned, what did she mean?

When the others heard Qiantao's attitude, they were relieved, they turned out to be friends.

"Why did you drop out of school suddenly? Why can't we contact you, where did you go?"

"Don't you know where I went?" Yu Jiajia asked tentatively.

"Should I know?" Qiantao looked at her innocent eyes. "You didn't tell me either. I didn't know until today that you were here, so I hurried over to find you. Why don't you come to me."

Could it be... Li Hengzhi didn't tell her what he did to her back then?

is it possible?

"Go, go and eat something, I'll treat you."

After the two of them left, the others were talking in groups.

"This is all right... Yu Jiajia is holding her thigh."


Facing Qiantao's enthusiasm, Yu Jiajia was not very comfortable.

Especially when Qiantao smiled and pushed a drink in front of her, she did not dare to drink it.

"What's wrong?" Qiantao smiled beautifully, "Don't you like this taste?"

"No...I'm on a period. I can't drink ice."

"My cup is at room temperature, please change it with you."

Even if she brought her own drink in front of her, she was still indifferent.

It's probably because I have done the same thing, so when I face that person and similar scenes, I will be touched by something in my heart, very resistant.

"Why don't you drink it?" Qiantao smiled hard to refuse, "Will I give you any medicine?"

Hearing the word "medicine", Yu Jiajia's face, which was originally unsightly, stiffened.

After making Yu Jiajia flustered and confused for so long, Qiantao, who had played enough, put away her smile, mixed the two cups of drinks, took a sip, "Well, the mixed taste is also pretty good. Yes, would you like a bite?"

To prove that there is nothing special in these two drinks.

Yu Jiajia didn't panic, and said, "You actually already know it, right?"

"Know what? Five years ago you put something in the water I was drinking, causing me to faint and fall into the water?" Qiantao said in a very flat tone.

She really knew...

I was almost fooled by her perfect acting just now.

"So you are here to settle the old accounts today?"

"Not counting the old accounts," Qiantao put down the cup and looked at her. "When you meet an old friend, shouldn't you make an appointment to have a drink and relive the past?"

Yu Jiajia didn’t buy it: “You don’t have to do this, just say what you want. The things I gave you are not fatal. At that time, I was underage, and the law could not convict me of any crime. The mayor’s daughter, you have Li Hengzhi to support you. Change to someone else—"

"If you are someone else, you deserve it?" Qiantao interrupted her coldly, "Yu Jiajia, I'll ask you, did I do anything I'm sorry for you? You almost wanted it. my life."

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