You For Eternity

Chapter 351: You replaced Qiantao (4)

"I just need to know that you are Qiantao," Sheng Ming said. "The man who died eight years ago was called Chu Chu, wasn't it?"

The person who has died, why should he come out again to disrupt the lives of those who are alive?

Regardless of whether she is Chu Chu or Chu Nian, as long as she is still Qiantao now, it is a good thing that people from the Qian family are kept in the dark.

Now tell Uncle Qian, your daughter actually died long ago? Besides being sad, what good influence can it bring?

At present, everyone's living conditions do not need to be disturbed by this matter.

Listening to Sheng Ming's words, she was silent and silent.

In fact, she really hoped that Sheng Ming would say all this for her.

Maybe... it's really over.


Qiantao had a good night's sleep and had a long dream. The years were quiet in the dream, and she couldn't help thinking about it in her dreams. It turned out that she also had good memories.

It was an off-road vehicle, parked in the lush woods, with a man sitting in the vehicle, and the sun filled the woods. The man was wearing sportswear, facing the light, so that she couldn't see his features.

She called him, and he looked over, his face gradually... deviated from the dazzling sunlight.

It turned out to be Li Hengzhi.

So when I woke up, I saw Li Hengzhi's face, and it happened to be facing the bright light above my head, so I was still in a dream for myself.

"Are you real?"

Standing in front of the hospital bed, Li Hengzhi sighed, "It seems that you are correct if you have not untied."

No one answered her phone calls, and she was a little worried about not being able to contact her. Then she checked the location to confirm her location, and found that she was in the hospital.

Qiantao glanced into the ward subconsciously, and there were only two of them.

Where is Sheng Ming? Have you left? Or they had a face-to-face...

She became a little uneasy.

"What's the matter with you?" He pressed down and asked in a judgmental manner.

"I accidentally got a fever..."

He sighed, as if blaming her for not protecting himself.

"But you were crying," he said, and reached out a hand to wipe the wetness from the corner of her eye.

Must have dreamed of something again.

But the strange thing is that, unlike the previous nightmares, struggles, dreams, or even cold sweats, today is relatively calm.

Qiantao smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine."

I just dreamed of him, and looking at Li Hengzhi at this time, she felt a very kind feeling.

It's just that, why does the person in the dream who have blurred his facial features become like Li Hengzhi?

It must be because I have been with him for a long time recently.

"I dreamed of you," Qiantao said. "Dress casually and go on an adventure."

"Really? Then I must be very young in your dreams," he looked into her eyes and said softly, "because I liked extreme sports when I was young."

His eyes are so beautiful, deep and mysterious, they can't see through.

His voice is so nice, deep and sexy, it makes people fall into it.

This man has infinite charm, and he always makes her heart beat easily.

"Puff," she laughed, "You are not old."

When I was young... it sounds so funny.

Watching her fall asleep, Li Hengzhi withdrew from the ward.

He actually didn't like the way she was unhappy and worried. But she didn't tell him what happened, and he promised her not to check her, which entered an endless loop.

"President Li, do you want to talk to me?"

In the dimly lit corridor, a dark shadow stood.

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